I will not use your name. I will use "you know who". because you are the most humble high rank member in this forum
Can you make a thread/post in which you explain all of your lingo? I'd love to be able to follow along better, because you make me laugh harder than just about anyone. I will never put you on my ignore list as others have suggested, because you are extremely entertaining. My good ole' jump-buddy.

Fun fact, I'm a bigot, lowlife, beggar.
The man admits these things openly; do you honestly need more than that to take their posts with a grain of salt?
keep meriting each other whilst doing me here.
Oh! You should also make a thread/post explaining what you believe to be appropriate merit behavior, because this too is something I would love to follow along with.
I was representing the forum, right?
No sir, you are an individual, representing your own opinion on a forum which acts as an open-marketplace of ideas. If you are not Staff, then you are not representing the forum. DT members and Merit-sources do not necessarily represent the forum anymore than a random user; although, it is more likely that their opinions align with the Staff/forum. A good example of this, is that many DT members and Merit-Sources disagree with each other about just about anything you can name. Unless you are saying that the forum is represented by anything and everything users post (which is redundant, at best), this would prove to be a contradictory premise.
It's not a fucking job. You don't get compensated for it
Why do you think that I am representing the forum then?
wat. You are compensated by theymos? Do you receive
BTC, $ or does he let you jump your pick of the newbies? Being a merit-source doesn't count as compensation, unless you also consider volunteer work to count as compensation or that you are commanding your status as merit-source over others and this is compensation. Please elaborate, my friend.
Which one am I? representative of the forum or a little shit?
Oh, come on, you know the answer to that one.

Why would you want me to be happy? are you unhappy about getting no merits from me?
The one and only thing all of us care about is your happiness, digaran, how can you say such things? Of course we are unhappy about not receiving merits from you, as you are the one we pray to at night; we hope for you to notice us and only with your touch can we seek enlightenment. We strive day and night to receive merit from you, yet you forsake us, why do you forsake us?
if you find Joe's charity work IRL a great thing, you should kneel and wait for his balls.
Wait a minute, now I think I understand your confusion about compensation.
they were last seen...
I think we know where to find them, unless they've gone astray?
if you remove the merit and cash prizes from your challenge, nobody would participate.
Well, we know that's wrong, because there has been many members that have asked to not receive their prizes. So they participate knowing they will not receive merit, cash,
BTC or any other kind of compensation. That makes you wrong as can be, bucko.
*= Forum's prostitute.
~FR for forum's representative.
~LM law maker.
~B beggar.
~R racist.
~LL low life.
~V virgin.
~RMS respected merit source.
~RD respect demander.
Yes, more like this. I want to understand you, you beautiful creature.