So I was given a negative trust from mexxer-2 , for placing a ponzi in my signature
but I clearly added in red ( in my signature u can see ) that invest at your own risk , so whats the problem now ?People aren't kid, if they see the signature they will see there is risk, if they want to risk, u can stop them from gamble, they can always do that at primedice !
He said to me that he is on DT-3 and default trust of many uers, so he asked me to remove signature, please guys give your views on this, I will be happy to remove my sig but after a proper reason.
When asked more this happened ....
stopped replying to my PM's then I told him that how he felt when VOD did same with him ( VOD was not abe to reply nd mexxer opened thread )so he replied saying .. he will not remove and cannot explain why
Then shown me a thread and said what majority will say he will go with them ( )
then I told him that majority is saying no ( because u see 2,3,4 as NO if you have common sense ) .. now he says that whatever bye I wont remove