microcashNearly 5 years in the making, MicroCash seems nearly ready to hit the light of day with it's recent Alpha release 2.
The main developer Real Solid has finally come out of his closet with juices flowing.
Microcash fits into the general mold of P2P de-centralized currency using cryptographically secure free and open network with zero-trust accounting,
Apart form it's obvious ability to
destroy modern banking and money processing methods, it also has numerous sparkling features which make it valuable and some which set it strongly apart from other coins featuring generic BTC code base.
Instant transactions that are 100% irreversible. No need to trust a miner (proof of work) or rich person (proof of stake) to not reverse your transactions. No need to wait, at all.
- An account system that mimics existing banking accounts, making it easy to progress from existing financial system to MicroCash. Store extra data there to help with your business or set yourself apart from the world. Give it a name so people can send payments to your name rather than a crypto address.
Extremely efficient. Can already scale past Visa, Mastercard and PayPal transaction levels COMBINED on a normal PC. Current figures suggest "
over 15,000 transactions per second on a generic i7" using UDP to minimize bandwidth and latency.
100% entirely new C++11 source code. Designed to be easy to understand and work on. Not derived from Bitcoin or any other crypto project. 100% free (MIT license).
- 100% independent from external libraries to ensure integrity and efficiency
- All financial rules are 100% decentralized over the P2P network, every single node has to verify every single transaction for it to count. Nothing can slip by, ever. Outside of world changing cryptography breaks - MicroCash is able to be verified to be 100% secure in regards to the MicroCash financial "state" where all the money is stored.
Sidechain support from the start. You can add your PoW, PoS, first-comes, cryptokey, or whatever system to MicroCash easily. You don't even need to do it in C++, just hook into the node via the extremely fast API.
HTTP server built in to the node so it can serve a wallet directly to any web browser. Access your wallet from anywhere in the world at any time, to send money instantly. No more waiting.
Easy API access to develop businesses around. Because it is 100% secure and instant it will be extremely easy to slot into any existing payment system. No need to wait for confirms or worry about anything at all. If money comes in, then you have the money until you want to spend it, it is as simple as that. No one can take it away from you.
- Multiple P2P nodes in the same binary. Control them from the web interface. Start, stop them or change their settings. See the nodes they are connected to. All in real time. No more cryptic command line routines to remember.
- Built in account and transaction explorer. No need for external 3rd party services to see what should be standard information in a financial network. The state of the system. Look at any account you want, look at any transaction you want. But unless you own that account there is nothing you can do to it! Well, besides send money to it of course!
https://forums.microcash.org/threads/microcash-overview.10/Microcash has a
long history of development and community springing from it's SolidCoin roots, but it is still grappling with various decisions. It is one thing to code a working system, another to actually fill in the variables.
Users and Developers of all levels are encouraged to come and participate in it's growth. Testing and Community involvement are required to fulfill it's life into a breathing network.
Microcash distribution nor network maintenance will not involve PoW. It will be generated then distributed. The
current proposed model for distribution involves two main methods
1. Buying it, by sending BTC to a fixed address and funds will be distributed accordingly upon completion
2. Community participation, you participation in the forums or other approved methods will be rewarded (hint, when you sign up tell them pineapples sent you
- see
https://forums.microcash.org/threads/how-to-get-microcash-initial-economic-seeding.27/ It is important for any currency to have a great distribution model, Microcash is no exception. Distribution is open to everyone who wants to participate.
SolidCoin was a very early BitCoin variant designed by RealSolid and released late 2011. It could be considered an early variant of Microcash. SolidCoin is worth mentioning at this point that there has been earlier discussion about converting into Microcash, but that is no longer being considered (for more info on this see above link on economic seeding).
For a longer history of SolidCoin some further good reading is at
https://forums.microcash.org/threads/solidcoin-was-first-to-do-proof-of-stake.33/useful links -
MicroCash forum :
https://forums.microcash.org/MicroCash Alpha Release 2 :
https://forums.microcash.org/threads/microcash-alpha-release-2.17/MicroCash wiki :
http://wiki.microcash.org/index.php/Main_Pagealso #mtmox irc channel on freenode
=================================================================MicroCash is
seeking xenforo devs.
skilled php devs.
strangely I thought I put this in Alternate cryptocurrencies/Discussion, not Announcements