Sounds similar to my issue with the blades.. I issue freq settings but only one chip per in each array use that speed. the others all fall to the default 600. i was seeing it when running directly from command lien so I dont think its related to Minera.
Hello guys,
I just pushed the 0.1.8c this release has:
* bug fix on "saved frequencies" in guided settings (you couldn't disable the --freq option before so that should be the problem, please try if it works now, you should select "default" in Start Frequency option if you wanna use your saved frequencies)
* bug fix on Device Tree rendering when you leave the Minera tab (now when you re-focus the tab the boxes are refreshed so you don't see wrong stuff)
* sortable pool settings, now you can drag&drop your pools to change the priority (only on settings page and not "on the fly" start/stop needed but you don't need to rewrite everything)
* for who had problem with devices detection on boot (Ubuntu) I just added a "sleep 5" in rc.local file for everybody so Ubuntu should have the time to detect the devices before starting minerd. Please if someone with Ubuntu can try if 5 seconds are enough it will be much appreciate. YOU MUST SAVE YOUR SETTINGS to apply the "sleep 5" command to rc.local.
I tried Firefox and I can reproduce the problem with raphael.js, it's weird and I don't know if there always have been or what.
LexMine are you sure there wasn't this issue before 0.1.8a/b? Did you always use Firefox with Minera? Can you remember with what version do you start using Minera? This could help me find the problem.