I've been struggling and searching forums trying get some help, I have a GAW Falcon and 3x GAW Furrys, I have them connected to my Rap. Pi with Minera 3.8 running using CGminer DMAX Zeus Fork.
I'm trying to achieve all 4 devices working together. I've been playing around with extra options and I can get the Furrys to has properly or I can get the Falcon to has properly, but not together.
Has anyone achieved this?
The closest I've come to getting them working "OK" is using this argument:
"--zeus-chips 6 --zeus-clock 340 --no-submit-stale --failover-only --failover-switch-delay 10"
But I'm sure there is a way to configure each USB device individually?
Multipool is reporting 29-30MHS which is pretty close, but the Minera Dashboard shows my Falcon bouncing all over the place 130MHs to 500MHs to 1GH
Please reply if you have suggestions!
try this
https://litecointalk.org/index.php?topic=20477.0 I can't get any zeus i have to work with any thing else with out capping or locking down the speeds, in most cases once it settles down i get around or better with my zues and BFGminer 4.3.1
23.81/23.42/19.31Mh/s | A:41 R:0+0(none) HW:1/3.5% depending what I'm run in atm.
I wish the guy that fixed it would update it to 4 .1 bfgminer i love some of the stuff bfg has now .
my setting are bfgminer --scrypt ( your pool and PW) -S zeus:all --set zeus@/dev/ttyUSB0:clock=330 --set zeus@/dev/ttyUSB0:chips=96 --set zeus@/dev/ttyUSB0:read=200 --set zeus:ignore_golden_nonce=1 --queue 9999 --scan-time 30 --expiry 120
i can usually run three Zeusminer at those setting at the same time etc . but I use 64 96 and 128 chip to gather .
just waiting for the next minera release in no hurry .
The Falcon is the same thing as a ZeusMiner Thunder X3 if that helps any . just change the USB Number on each one and use direct detect like ttyUSB0 = ttyUSB1 for chaining them .
set the falcon chip to 96 if your not ready to get the full use out of it with the furry.
the chain should be some thing like this
-S zeus:all --set zeus@/dev/ttyUSB0:clock=328 --set zeus@/dev/ttyUSB0:chips=96 --set zeus@/dev/ttyUSB0:read=200 --set zeus@/dev/ttyUSB1:clock=340 --set zeus@/dev/ttyUSB1:chips=6 --set zeus@/dev/ttyUSB1:read=200
I would add this in case you have one of the bugie firmware. --set zeus:ignore_golden_nonce=1 and play with this --queue 9999 --scan-time 30 --expiry 120 or your settings for delays etc . with BFGMIner you may need to use 4.3.1 .