Hi everybody!
As previously mentioned, our 1-click GUI miner currently supports CPU mining and GPU mining with Nvidia cards. AMD cards will be also supported in our updated GUI miner that will be released this week.
Until then,
you can mine on our pool with AMD graphic cards, using ethminer. Here are the detailed instructions:
Instructions for Ethereum mining with Ethminer on the MinerGate pool:To connect to MinerGate pool and start mining Ethereum with console miner, follow the instructions below. Please note that currently we support official Ethereum client Ethminer.
If you don't find a suitable miner for your OS, please check for other Ethereum binary releases
Windows (win 64):1. Download the latest Ethminer:
https://build.ethereum.org/cpp-binaries-data/release-1.2.2/Ethereum.exe2. Open cmd.exe
By default, you will see the following:
3. Enter the Ethereum folder. If you did not specify an alternative directory for Ethereum while installing Ethminer, just enter the following:
C:\Users\username > cd C:\Program Files\Ethereum
4. Once you are in the Ethereum directory, run Ethminer.exe with the following commands:
For CPU mining:
For GPU mining:
The DAG file will be generated. It will probably take a few minutes.
You will start mining, once the DAG file is generated.
To stop mining, enter:
Ctrl + C
MacOS X1. Install the Homebrew package manager:
http://brew.sh/2. After the installation, execute the following commands in the Terminal:
brew update
brew upgrade
brew tap ethereum/ethereum
brew install cpp-ethereum
brew linkapps cpp-ethereum
3. After the installation, execute the following commands to start mining:
For CPU mining:
For GPU mining:
The DAG file will be generated. It will probably take a few minutes.
You will start mining, once the DAG file is generated.
To stop mining, enter:
Ununtu (14.04 and higher)1. Install Ethminer, using the following instructions in the Terminal:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ethereum/ethereum-qt
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ethereum/ethereum
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ethminer
2. Once the application is installed, execute the following commands to start mining:
For CPU mining:
For GPU mining:
The DAG file will be generated. It will probably take a few minutes.
You will start mining, once the DAG file is generated.
To stop mining, enter: