So how do you expct us to pay for our electricity, do you have a place that accepts bitcoin where I can purchase my electricity? how about internet, what internet companies accept bitcoins. Its not the miers fault. No Miners means No transactions get processed. If not for miners you idiot there would be no bitcoin.
Its the coin dumping merchants, the chinese unethical mining equipment manufactures, and last but surely not least it the developers of bitcoin sitting on their asses waiting for a damn handout. DEVELOPERS GET OFF YOUR ASS and do SOMETHING, DO ANYTHING to get this coins value to go up. ITS IS your responsibility to raise awareness to your project, it is your responsibility to create a demand for bitcoin, it is YOUR responsibility to do your job. We are investors in your project, in your dream. If this were a fortune 500 company you would be broke and all your investors would have sold your stock and left your company. You and others need to realize whose responsibility it is to work this project. We pay you as investors and you do your job pure and simple. I want to see some facebook adds promoting Bitcoin, some google ads promoting bitcoins use, we need an a merchant area where only bitcoins are used, we need an Auction site, we need a lot of simple things that you can do. Takle some of that fortune we gave you and pay some web designers a team dedicated to running these kinds of things, STOP sitting on your ass waiting for the people who invest in your prtoject to do the work for you!!!! You have the money thats for sure to put these programs together. USE IT TO STRENGTHEN YOUR COIN. . I want to see developer counters on all the bad press we get in bitcoins. FOR GODS SAKE DO SOMETHING!!!!!
Wtf are you talking about? Why don't you do something? Why you want someone else do something? You can't change the world by waiting! Start be the change you want to see in the world! Don't wait for someone else to do it!
Bitcoin is not their project! It's OUR project! We are all in it! And as long as big companies were late to our project they will try hard to make it cheap so they can recover what they don't have because they were a little late!
Stop crying and start doing something!
You and Bitcoin devs need to learn how business and investments work
You have a bbusiness, and idea a project you get investors money and YOU not the investors do the work PERIOD thats life and thats business. I did my part I invested My part of the deal is over. It is NOT "OUR" project it is their project, their vision their dream. We just are the financers. As a financer I want them to make my investment worth while not sit on thier ass with their hands out
If I want to do all thier work might as well just start my own coin huh??? "you cant change the world by waiting" that si a perfect line to be directed to the developers who are "WAITING" for you and me to make thier already full wallets overflowing.
No. False design. Inflation. Miners can't change the number of coins they mine, not their fault at all.
You are a god damn fool.
These corporations are setting up shop pumping out more bitcoin than they even have a demand for.
They cant "pump" out more than anyone else. 25/10min
You are aggravating me,let me begin to tell you why.
When you paint a picture of the average miner what does his set up look like?Does his set up look like a HANGER FILLED WITH MINING RIGS?
So...So what if that is the most bitcoin THEY can produce. The point is,THEY ARE PRODUCING BITCOIN AT A ALARMING RATE.
The average miner cant even make 25 bitcoins in a single month. You know,the miners everyone is saying "without them,their would be no bitcoin." You know,the modest miners,them. I don't even know why you wrote that it just frustrates me,whats the point?They are raping bitcoin and you don't even see it.
I kind of see your point now so your title should actually be Large Scale mining outfits are killing b itcin. not miners in general, But I hate to tell you , but you will never get the large scale boys to give up, they have to much invested and right now they are nt making huge profits. they havge no choice but to dump the coins at 260 bucks a pop, the electricity they use can be upwards of 70,000 USD a month in costs, how can they pay that.
What i agree with is these huge farms are certainly not doing anything for the difficulty and make it only harder and harder to mine but I think that is thier point. They want to certalize a system that was supposed to no be centralized. By owning the most hardware in a group you in a sense control the difficulty you control the ability for everyday nobodies to get involved. You have the feeling of controlling something like the big banks do. JMO