His current fix I don't know to do using a new computer. should I download the current wallet now and then his fix or how does it work? TIA
Umm.. it was ready the same time I posted it. Did you check out both links I posted?
Here is the thing though, in order for the change to take effect you have to get enough people running it before the change over. This means you need to update your original post, and create a new post announcing a mandatory upgrade. It has been like three days now and I have not seen this done. The coin's manager is not doing his part of the job.
I also explained that this is about as close as you can get to the original description of shooting for 12 VGB a day. It is all probability based, not time based though. So you might get 3 in one hour, then none for a day. It should average out over time. You can not force a timer with the code base the way it is as it is a distributed system, and it is not keeping precise enough time to do so. To change this would take far more work then the whole coin has so far.