If anyone wants to make an exact copy of this with 0% premine I will gladly launch it in a moderated thread to stop vlad from commenting at all. Make the super blocks work from the start too. Hit me up in pm you can be anonymous or list your name don't care. I already have a name picked out
I'm actually working on an sha 256 Coin and would like to see superblocks implemented into it, but Keep getting errors when doing so. I do welcome any programmers that have a little bit of knowledge such as myself. but probably a bit more. I only have a diploma in Programming, and C++ was not the biggest we studied. So If anyone would like to join, pm me. There is a lot in the works for it.
Urgent: BIG COIN Giveaway - don't miss reading this whole post.
Gosh another honest thief. Again, what is it about this Nuggets coin which isn't even working right cause of sabotage only 4 days old yet everyone wants to buy it, steal it or copy it? Why? Why?
Can anybody answer, for the 8th time, please?And you're such a nice guy - I got a whopping $20 in NUGs from the premine while spending way more to launch it and bounties. And i'm using them for bounties and i'm still the bad guy, look at these lying scammers looking for excuses to steal my coin. why? why? You're so kind saving people all that money by stealing my work, yeah, why trust me when I've never lied, built a coin per the miner's specs sold not one coin, paid for all bounties out of my pocket, yet now you wanna trust another theif with zero imagination and can't think of one interesting thing to add as a feature so why not look for a lie to feed to fools to steal my coin so invent another lie and steal my hard work.
Well, I'm not your regular dev, I'm not gonna roll over for you, you little scamming bitch.
Let me show you what honesty and generosity looks like you bum. Is the premine the problem?Ok, let's get rid of this problem then, and I have an email I put out showing I told the programmer to cut the 1% bounty to zero so this isn't my fault in the first place but even so I didn't spend a penny on myself it was set aside for bounties to make the coin better. But now it looks like I'll have to keep spending out of my own pocket.
I have a 100,000 NUGs bounty out but I will right now give away every bounty coins which was premined so this loser doesn't have to go stealing my coin cause he lacks zero character, and imagination.
I have 1.57 million coins total cause Shakazula sent me 274,000 coins.
I'm gonna keep 100,000 in case someon does that bounty.
So I will give away 1,400,000 million NUGs to show once again I'm this for the short term money, I trie to cancel the premine and the whole point of the premine was to help develop the coin, but now another scammer says I'm a bad guy so let's end that lie too. I'm curious what lie will come up next.
There ,no more premine now let's see what the next lying loser comes up with to steal my coin.
And I'm still waiting for an answer, so many developed and high follower coins, why is everyone trying to steal my coin? Why?
An actually, you know what, ill give away all of, everyy coin. The guy wanting the 100,000 NUGs will get .1 BTC since that's the value now. That way I don't have to hear More lying bitches that I have 100,000 premined coins. Once you guys have my address you'll see that it will have zero NUGs coins in there.
But I'm too tired to hand out 100 rewards. First 15 NUGs address gets 100,000 NUGs.
Except this crook who just called me a crook for not selling a single coin and trying to use them for bounties,'you, you bum, go steal something if you want money. Now here's me one nobody developer who never sold one premined coin and instead gives it all away to keep trying to prove my honesty yet nobody cares. I said this last night, you'll all beg for a guy like me when I'm gone and all you get is scammers and pumpers. How many devs have you heard of who premined anything and spent no coins and sold no coins but instead gave it to those that make devs rich but you guys have done nothing for me but caused me so much emotional pain but I will still give you every coin so my conscience is clean. So 1,570,000 NUGs coins. I'm going off memory but that's about it. Every coin I have I never gave gave any way to anyone except for the programmer end half the coins (1.1 million) to r3 plus what he stole (3 million). But I never had those in my possession ever cause he wouldn't give me my coins.
So what I have now, nearly 1.6 million coins is every NUGS coin I've had and they're now all yours. I said this coin was for the people so this is only right but I'm curious what the next liar comes up with science there's something weird going on - everyone wants my coin but I don't know why? So odd!!!
So first 15 NUGs addresses to pop up on the message board gets 100,000 coins. The last guy wil get the 70,000 or so, I'm going off memory, plus or minus 10,000 coins. Unless r3 robbed those too.
And again, the latest Low life coin thief gets a big nothing, and neither that other thief R3, but he stole millions and dumped them so he's good, go steal something you unimaginative dropouts.
But I'll let everyone else participate, even got spots and every other a-hole who has never added any value or anything positive. Each 100,000 coin reward here is like mining nearly 2 days straight and hitting each block. It's the equivalent of hitting 10 golden blocks straight. So it's a nice reward, especially if all there idiots trying to steal my coin would get a life and let me focus making this a great coin, that 100,000 free coins could be worth serious money in a few months if these losers would let me focus on the coin. At some point you the miners will have to jump in and help if you want me to have the energy and time to focus on new features.
Get ready set go.So first 16 total Nugs wallet addresses!!!PS: I'm exhausted so just get your wallet ID in the forum and ill get to it in a few hours. I'm so tired don't wanna mess up any rewards. You'll gets them tonight, I promise, unless they're stolen or r3 made them invalid, I've afraid turn my laptop on of fear someone will steal my coins. I haven't lied yet, you will all, all 16 of you, get every coin I have. Every last one. Good luck and congrats. Thank those liars constantly trying to steal my coin. God bless everyone!