4,490 Shares | 138.95333703 MNX
How did this happen? I have 9 MNX against 6500 shares.
I guess it depends on what kind of shares are they. There's a post with the calculated bounty/share, depending where they come from - newsletter, translation, twitter, signature...
If it makes you feel better, I have 11,000 Shares | 9.82593754 MNX, so even less MNX/share (average) than you.
As somebody else said, we helped out a new project, but we can't expect to get rich from this, really.
We do not expect to be rich. But there is a difference between the mountains. I think 9 MNX is already very much for me.
Then join the translation. Is not as easy as the signature campaign. It takes a few hours guaranteed.
What we do with the shares, coins? I got 6 coins.