In the meantime Minex ICO fund reserve on address
XWkxDTkp9uzvtMCE7NRVphzbwMigLrzyzK dropped to 189408 MNX coins (only 7% left from originally 2.7 millions), 100.000 coins went to Instabuy in a few days. Minexbank reserves located on address
XVFYK9MgdMDhYwwnTsEkqBFvUytC5QtWE4 dropped to 235464 coins (only 15.7% from original 1.5 millions) . Dropping rate is about 100.000 coins or more per month and if continued at this pace Minexbank will bankrupt for 2-3 months. Though, there is possibility that Minex will misuse Developper fund and put one part of it in Minexbank and the other in Instabuy. percents was changed. Your research is useless now. Like every research done by you before. By the way, how much you getting in $$ for your job here?
And every your message is confirmed by scammer Jolly straight away
Looks like need to make your trust red because you are working together.
Sure, it was changed,but as people said: Too little and too late. Parking rate of 45% per year is still too high and can provide just one extra month,maybe,maybe two ,nothing more.
I cant ban anyone to reply on mine messages,not you,not jolly. Minex associated people confirmed each other messages regulary and I have never said that it means they are one person.
I dont work with anybody and Iam not paid by anybody. Mine opinions are mine only.
On the other side you have so deep connections with Minex that is impossible to believe that you(and few others Minex associated people) have not huge benefit from it.
Lolz....who told you it won't go lower in the next memorandum and have you forgotten that Minexpay will also lock some coin for activation of the card?
Minex is presenting new memorandum every 6-8 months or more. Then it will be too late. Only way is that Minex use Developping fund to finance Minexbank and InstaBuy.
Cards wont help ,because problem is inflicted by too high parking rates.Whole parking system is unsustainable from the beginning.It is huge mistake,responsible for most of devaluation of MNX coin.
You are attacking MNX since beginning of October and texting here false info almost every day. And you want to tell me that you are not with bath of FUDders from Serbia?
C'mon, you must hide your identity better. Cards are send to customers and you can pass that info to your friends. It's no sense to continue FUD attack anymore. And next time when you will buy someones account please be more care full.
Iam not attacking anyone or hiding anything, just exposing network of Minex lies,misleadings,misinformations,etc... I have not connection with any FUDers,from Serbia or somewhere else. You are a complete fool if you think that I bought some account - Iam not like you and you buddies with multiple false identities.
I have only this account and never had anyone else,unlike you and your friends.You probably think that if you are a professional FUDer that everbody else is too.
Such thinking is calling professional deformation.
Iam sure you and your buddies are heavily pissed off
,because all your plans to deceive people fall apart. Only FUD here is FUD spreading from people deeply associated and personally connected with Minex.
You and your FUDers buddies on Minex paylist are making the worst possible advertising for Minex and together with Boris incompetence destroyed Minex in complete. Now, you are luring naive people to dump on them some more worthless coins before Minex end.
You cant blame me for everything wrong Minex did.No one forced Minex to use lies and misinformations or create such catastrophic economic model.
I will continue to debunk your lies(and praise if you do something legal and good), you can count on it, until Minex becomes decent and trustful company or else.