have fun with your yearly parking while monthly goes back to 13-14%
Here is a quote directly from page 10 of the whitepaper, you probably didn't read that far my youngminion:
Average basic rates for parking payouts:*
2017: 70%
2018: 45-55%
2019: 25-40%
*The values are determined by default and may be altered by MinexBank algorithms, either way,
depending on market conditions.
One day you might understand why you need to gamble a little, they won't tell you when the 70% yearly rate is going to disappear for good, but I truly hope you don't take advantage of it, because it is more fun to watch you rant about how you are broke because they lowered your rates!
Yeah. We get it. You like to park yearly. There are other options as well, so could you please stop ranting about it?
Sorry if my ranting is taking 10 seconds of your precious time to read:
either way, I only put small percentage in yearly, would be stupid to pass up putting most in monthly, and I am only responding to young minion's comment to me, so GFY