There was nothing lifted, put back together, I simply replaced The URL in the miner with an hexeditor within 5 mins.
He did a great job in implementing the new equihash params into the miner, no doubt, he also had his fee on the miner and pool for the first 40.000 blocks or so of the network which should have been already a pretty big reward .. nicehash or tromp, which are the creators of the miner and the solver sure get a part of that as well, right?
Oh you are free to mine where you want, no one forces you. If you want to pay more fee, just stay on the other pool, that's cool for me. IMHO people should have a choice.. they had none.
@nosekefik the source will be made publicly available in full and I'll Post it here and on the pool.
@racquemis great job on the coin stuff, maybe the devs should pay you a bounty for that as well?
So now the story reduces even further to you literally just took someone else's work and changed a URL address in it. And you justify this being okay because you didn't like how Racq used the "old .. slow" mining software. Yet the software was good enough for you to shuffle onto another site that is now over 2MSols hashing and completely taking every. single. fucking. block. from the rest of us mining in the legitimate pools.
You're a flaming piece of shit. "Oh you are free to mine where you want, no one forces you" No, you dumb motherfucker, I have NO CHOICE in where to mine now if I want to actually make any coins. Because you stole all of our income from us by jacking Racq's miner (because you thought it was unethical of how he added it; but not unethical enough to use it, you pathetic asshole).
You have stolen an entire community's mining capabilities. And you've tried to justify it by painting Racq as some hack nobody that 'is just using someone else's crappy miner/solver software and slapping a fee on it'.
I wonder how many other coins' communities you've done this to, you goddamn thief.