Dont want or need bamt.
Let me get this right = you like Linuxcoin better ?
Or your own distro ?
It was the Bitcointalk forum that inspired us to create - Bitcointalk is an excellent site that should be the default page for anybody dealing in cryptocurrency, since it is a virtual gold-mine of data. However, our experience and user feedback led us create our site; Bitcointalk's search is slow, and difficult to get the results you need, because you need to log in first to find anything useful - furthermore, there are rate limiters for their search functionality.
The aim of our project is to create a faster website that yields more results and faster without having to create an account and eliminate the need to log in - your personal data, therefore, will never be in jeopardy since we are not asking for any of your data and you don't need to provide them to use our site with all of its capabilities.
We created this website with the sole purpose of users being able to search quickly and efficiently in the field of cryptocurrency so they will have access to the latest and most accurate information and thereby assisting the crypto-community at large.
$ sudo su
# cd /opt
# wget
# tar -xvzf /home/ubuntu/AMD-APP-SDK-v2.6-lnx64.tgz
# cd AMD-APP-SDK-v2.6-lnx64/
# cp -pv lib/x86_64/* /usr/lib/
# rsync -avl include/CL/ /usr/include/CL/
# tar -xvzf icd-registration.tgz
# rsync -avl etc/OpenCL/ /etc/OpenCL/
after reboot you need to run sudo aticonfig --adapter=all -f --initial which creates the xorg.conf file...then sync and reboot
#### I did not have luck letting GDM auto-login work, so I recommend removing GDM and using a script to startx, you can try it without this option if you want
$ update-rc.d -f gdm remove
$ sudo apt-get purge gdm
$ sudo dpkg --purge gdm
$ sudo nano /etc/rc.local
#add this line just before exit 0: su - user -c startx &
control o enter
control x
$ sudo sync
$ sudo coldreboot
#### end remove gdm auto-login to replace with startx
#### download and install driver
$ cd /home/user/Downloads
$ wget
$ sudo chmod +x amd*
#### this next step should be run from VNC or directly on the machine instructions for vnc setup here, but you can skip if doing locally
$ sudo chmod uog+rw /dev/ati/card*
$ sudo xauth merge /home/user/.Xauthority
$ export DISPLAY=:0
#### And now your ready to connect using X11 forwarding.
#### Windows users can select X11 forwarding in putty by ticking the box located on the menu sidebar/Connections/SSH/X11.
#### end VNC setup
$ sudo ./amd* --force
#### GUI installation will eventually open select all the default options to install
1) Install driver 8.921 - continue
2) !Agree
3) Automatic
4) Exit
#### GUI complete
$ sudo aticonfig --adapter=ALL -f --initial
$ sudo sync
$ sudo coldreboot
$ sudo su
# cd /opt
# wget
# tar -xvzf /home/ubuntu/AMD-APP-SDK-v2.6-lnx64.tgz
# cd AMD-APP-SDK-v2.6-lnx64/
# cp -pv lib/x86_64/* /usr/lib/
# rsync -avl include/CL/ /usr/include/CL/
# tar -xvzf icd-registration.tgz
# rsync -avl etc/OpenCL/ /etc/OpenCL/
# ldconfig
# sync
# coldreboot
#### other configurations
add this line to rc.local : /usr/local/bin/ 60 &
#### nano /usr/local/bin
if [ "x$1" = "x" -o "x$1" = "xnone" ]; then
sleep $DELAY
screen -dmS cgm su user -c "/usr/local/bin/"
#### control x
#### nano /usr/local/bin/
export DISPLAY=:0
cd /opt/miners/cgminer #or where you put cgminer...i think this is the defualt location in linuxcoin
./cgminer -c cgminer.conf # or whatever options you want
#### control x
#### make executable and change owner of the above files
$ sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/*miner*.sh
$ sudo chown root:root /usr/local/bin/*miner*.sh
that should do it....
coldreboot and see if it works.
$ sudo su
# cd /opt
# wget
# tar -xvzf /home/ubuntu/AMD-APP-SDK-v2.6-lnx64.tgz
# cd AMD-APP-SDK-v2.6-lnx64/
# cp -pv lib/x86_64/* /usr/lib/
# rsync -avl include/CL/ /usr/include/CL/
# tar -xvzf icd-registration.tgz
# rsync -avl etc/OpenCL/ /etc/OpenCL/
#### I did not have luck letting GDM auto-login work, so I recommend removing GDM and using a script to startx, you can try it without this option if you want
$ update-rc.d -f gdm remove
$ sudo apt-get purge gdm
$ sudo dpkg --purge gdm
$ sudo nano /etc/rc.local
#add this line just before exit 0: su - user -c startx &
control o enter
control x
$ sudo sync
$ sudo coldreboot
#### end remove gdm auto-login to replace with startx
#### download and install driver
$ cd /home/user/Downloads
$ wget
$ sudo chmod +x amd*
#### this next step should be run from VNC or directly on the machine instructions for vnc setup here, but you can skip if doing locally
$ sudo chmod uog+rw /dev/ati/card*
$ sudo xauth merge /home/user/.Xauthority
$ export DISPLAY=:0
#### And now your ready to connect using X11 forwarding.
#### Windows users can select X11 forwarding in putty by ticking the box located on the menu sidebar/Connections/SSH/X11.
#### end VNC setup
$ sudo ./amd* --force
#### GUI installation will eventually open select all the default options to install
1) Install driver 8.921 - continue
2) !Agree
3) Automatic
4) Exit
#### GUI complete
$ sudo aticonfig --adapter=ALL -f --initial
$ sudo sync
$ sudo coldreboot
$ sudo su
# cd /opt
# wget
# tar -xvzf /home/ubuntu/AMD-APP-SDK-v2.6-lnx64.tgz
# cd AMD-APP-SDK-v2.6-lnx64/
# cp -pv lib/x86_64/* /usr/lib/
# rsync -avl include/CL/ /usr/include/CL/
# tar -xvzf icd-registration.tgz
# rsync -avl etc/OpenCL/ /etc/OpenCL/
# ldconfig
# sync
# coldreboot
#### other configurations
add this line to rc.local : /usr/local/bin/ 60 &
#### nano /usr/local/bin
if [ "x$1" = "x" -o "x$1" = "xnone" ]; then
sleep $DELAY
screen -dmS cgm su user -c "/usr/local/bin/"
#### control x
#### nano /usr/local/bin/
export DISPLAY=:0
cd /opt/miners/cgminer #or where you put cgminer...i think this is the defualt location in linuxcoin
./cgminer -c cgminer.conf # or whatever options you want
#### control x
#### make executable and change owner of the above files
$ sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/*miner*.sh
$ sudo chown root:root /usr/local/bin/*miner*.sh
that should do it....
coldreboot and see if it works.