My configuration:
Biostar TB250-BTC PRO + 12 Zotac P106-100 cards (without output).
When I run it with LOCAL (GT 730 for monitor + 7 P106-100 cards) I see it works.
But when I remove GT 730 adapter and monitor and attach all 12 P106-100 cards and use REMOTE and connect by SSH it doesn't seem to be working.
I tried to run it manually but the OS was rebooted with Xorg error.
Any ideas how to fix it?
P.S. I tried new 1bash - still the same issue.
m1@m1-desktop:~$ pkill -e miner
m1@m1-desktop:~$ export DISPLAY=:0
m1@m1-desktop:~$ screen -r miner
There is no screen to be resumed matching miner.
m1@m1-desktop:~$ bash /home/m1/1bash
workername: nv045
Restoring Xorg
Rebooting in 5
FIrst: ensure you have made the 2x bios changes as indicated in the OP for this mobo; and saved / restarted as directed. If you have made additional bios changes then you should restore the default settings and perform the procedure in the OP.
Second while troubleshooting I recommend attaching the GPU with output to the primary 16x slot and using 11 of the mining GPUs in the other slots. Run in local mode.
If you have significantly changed the GPU configuration; especially in regard to the the primary GPU it is likely the system will need to restore the xorg and reboot. If it does this once it is expected; if it does this in a loop (ie multiple times in a row there is a problem).
Let me know how this goes.
PS: I highly recommend using the ASRock 13x mobo to get out the box; easy setup. If I was having a lot of trouble with this mobo, I would get one of the ASRock and then return the Biostar when I had the rig running with 13x.
I figured out this was because of wrong xorg.conf.
Used this command:
sudo nvidia-xconfig -a --cool-bits=28 --allow-empty-initial-configuration
Also commented out this part and forced XORG to be OK:
#if grep -q "28800" /etc/X11/xorg.conf;
Now the script starts fine.
One more thing. The script doesn't support P106-100 overclokling because of this part:
nvidia-smi -L > /tmp/tempa
if grep -q "1050" /tmp/tempa;
if grep -q "1060" /tmp/tempa;
"nvidia-smi -L > /tmp/tempa" in case of P106-100 is like this:
m1@m1-desktop:~$ cat /tmp/tempa
GPU 0: P106-100 (UUID: GPU-afea0b93-e083-bde7-f6dd-fb5b9f55ae98)
GPU 1: P106-100 (UUID: GPU-191d50dc-d599-de1d-fa4b-54493a9035c6)
GPU 2: P106-100 (UUID: GPU-2ae0b358-33bb-8438-f47b-2a2ce8088f88)
GPU 3: P106-100 (UUID: GPU-66bce3b8-51aa-9f9d-f3c5-fce4e667f994)
GPU 4: P106-100 (UUID: GPU-bae124b9-96ad-5086-20f4-32bdb6d2663f)
GPU 5: P106-100 (UUID: GPU-a9664776-7549-499a-6cfa-3b74a6c6c843)
GPU 6: P106-100 (UUID: GPU-4b57123b-20b9-20c6-ffb9-0203a51cf009)
GPU 7: P106-100 (UUID: GPU-f851be56-15e7-adf2-5a65-7508a25e6e66)
GPU 8: P106-100 (UUID: GPU-1249a132-7df6-a1d3-4794-947cd1e1887a)
GPU 9: P106-100 (UUID: GPU-f31fca46-13ad-4eee-5024-177de21d36f9)
GPU 10: P106-100 (UUID: GPU-4161850e-1f6a-7c6b-fda6-03d58826f758)
GPU 11: P106-100 (UUID: GPU-af9286f8-e0c5-2139-87f1-7019b8a1ccca)
So I manually set "TI=2" and now overcloking values are applied.
if [ $___1050_or_1050ti == "YES" ]
if [ $NORMAL == "YES" ]
TI="2 3"