This script will check your nvOC miners and download new ones.
As requested, after download it will ask to recompile them.
Downloading and checking new miners for nvOC-v0019-2.x finished
Do you want to re-compile your miners (y/N)? y
Checking if bn.h bignum error is fixed for compiling miners or not
Select miners to compile, (multiple comma separated values: 1,6,7)
1- ASccminer
2 -KTccminer
3 -KTccminer-cryptonight
4- KXccminer
5 -NAccminer
6- SPccminer
7- TPccminer
8- vertminer
9- ANXccminer
R- MSFTccminer (RVN)
Do your Choice: [A]LL [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [R] [E]xit:
Miners Update Script:
wget -N
bash /home/m1/Downloads/
Miner Versions:
Tpruvot ccminer 2.2.4
Bminer 5.4.0
DSTM 0.6
KlausT ccminer 8.20
KlaustT ccminer-cryptonight 2.06
Ethminer 0.13.0
nanashi-ccminer 2.2-mod-r2
vertminer 1.0.2 Stable
ANXccminer valexis-1.0
MSFT Tpruvot ccminer (RVN) 2.2.5
Claymore updated to 11.5
I read recently on the gitHub page of xmr-Stak, that monero will change version of algorithm to update to cryptonight V7.
They add a few other coins in cryptonight that will also go into V7.
Their miner is very efficient, very small and stable. At least for now.
It also improved in December, something I had not seen before early March. During the first launch, he assists the user in the configuration of the command files. It automatically detects the hardware for both the CPU and the GPU. And in addition, it calibrates the files so as not to saturate the CPU and / or the GPU. For example, it does not add hyperthreading CPU threads and only takes real and physically present cores.
I think it's worth following what they're doing and adding it to your juvenile update scripts. their github repository is regularly updated and the compilation can be fully automated without much trouble.
The update of XMR must intervene very soon (24/03/2018), so tomorrow! As soon as this shift is done, the pools will update as well. After this update, it would be wise to integrate their work in NVOC.
After, if you have a few thousand dollars to lose, you can also buy a Bitmain ASIC, but it is only dedicated to cryptonight V1! I strongly advise against it.
Please, papampi, fullzero, leenoox, stubo, damnmad, and other scripters i also forgot, add this ore when they will be updated.