Firstly, when you setup WTM you must uncheck the "Groestl" algo, as Verge coin allows for multiple algo mining. WTM will only report out current profits for Groestl algo and not Lyra2rev2, which we want to mine. If you don't uncheck Groestl algo, XVG coin will always be at the bottom of the WTM profit checking list and will never auto switch. Once you have your WTM configured correctly, hit calculate, and follow the instructions in 1bash to add it (add in .json after coins). Then add "XVG" to the list of coins for WTM to profit check.
Add "XVG" to list of coins for WTM to profit check (example below)
Next add the following code to 1bash
XVG_ADDRESS="BTC wallet address"
Add "-o $COIN == XVG" to this portion of code if you are using algo specific OC settings (these are my settings for GTX 1070)
if [ $COIN == "MONA" -o $COIN == "VTC" -o $COIN == "XVG" ]
Add the following code to 0miner
screen -dmSL miner $HCD -a lyra2v2 -o stratum+tcp://$XVG_POOL:$XVG_PORT -u $ADDR -p c=XVG -i $XVG_INTENSITY
I confirmed this works on Zpool as i was generating BTC (Zpool converts mined coins to BTC).
Thanks for such nice illustration on how to add this coin, I guess it was probably already there but with different algo, am not sure though.
Your presentation is pushing me to ask you if you can write up some tutorials on how to do things on nvOC (only if you up for it)
Let me know if you are interested.
You can contact PM me here or on our official discord channel :
Honestly damNmad you read my mind. I like doing this kind of stuff (i'm an engineer) and i'm anal as hell about everything. I'd like to put together a post on hardware setups for mining rigs and converting a trio rig to a 6 x card rig (this is what i did) as that was lacking information. I'd like to do some testing to prove out some of my theories on things. But let me see what i can put together in about a week or so regarding adding coins.
Also fyi, i revised the post you quoted because I learned later that Zpool doesn't actually mine that specific coin (XVG), it mines a group of Lrya2rev2 algo coins. So i switched to suprnova pool and revised to code to utilize that server instead as it mines that coin directly.