First of all install Telegram, you can have it on almost all operating systems: Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, iOS, ...
Open your telegram and send /newbot to @BotFather
To send message to @botfather, click the search (magnifying glass) and search for @botfather, when found click start and send message /newbot
It will ask for name, send your desired bot name EX. Mining Rigs Info
Then it ask for a username for your bot , send your desired unique username EX. papampi_mining_nvoc0019
it will give you an HTTP API token EX. HTTP API: 408504581:AAHen-E4peZrlVhJx-GlnADyiVDgGiR4O8g
Put it in your 1bash like this :
Click start, then send /getid
It will give you a 8 digit number put it in 1bash :
Thats it.
You will get some info every 30 min. and alerts from watchdog
You can edit your telegram file and get more info
I will send my edited telegram for more info later today.
Man I cannot get this to work. Did exactly as above and tried to use the ./telegram cmd to test. But nothing comes through. I don't have to edit any other files in the OS right? It should work with my bot & ID?
My TELEGRAM_MESSAGES loads the following
m1@m1-desktop:~$ bash /home/m1/7telegram
Telegram Messages for nvOC v0019-2.0 - Community Release
Version: :v0019-2.0.001
New Telegram in 3600 seconds
Try this code right after line 146 (you have just modify your msg)
See if that return code gives you some new info. A 0 value means ok.
Comes back with this, but I still don't get any messages? Do I need to do anything on the bot side to have this sent to the chat? I created the bot and started, found my user ID then pasted both into the 1bash file.
m1@m1-desktop:~$ bash /home/m1/7telegram
Telegram Messages for nvOC v0019-2.0 - Community Release
Version: :v0019-2.0.001
Return code: 0
New Telegram in 3600 seconds
May I suggest you to follow the steps here: and then test again?
I tried that first thing, even switched my VPN to a bunch of different countries but non would play. Give's me this error - This video contains content from SME, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds
According to this, it's not allowed anywhere.. How are you watching it?
EDIT: Got it working. I literally created a new bot / getupdate and it worked.. No clue why it didn't work the first three times.
Glad is working now ;-)
Thx for reporting about the bad link, here is a new one: