I built a very crude SRR circuitry for a Raspberry Pi to remotely reset a rig or switch it on/off (The raspberry Pi basically controls an optocoupler connected to the reset and poweron pins of the mobo).
For the moment the Raspberry Pi just detect if port 22 is open on the rig. If not, it assumes that the rig is not reachable by SSH and reset the rig.
I see that there is an SRR scrips on nvOC, that looks much more sophisticated than what I am doing. Unfortunately there is no mention of the watchdog software to run on the Raspberry Pi.
Anyone can give me a pointer to the software to run on the Raspberry Pi.
I have some code to share with you but the site is blocking my input.
Trying to contact with an admin about.
Ok, have a look at this and see if can help:
I don't use Nvoc's temp control.
Here the latest version of script (removed reset bit and add var to use/not to use telegram alerts. I did not test the telegram bit so be aware):
It is possible to add code to nvoc's temp control (or wdog) and reset/poweroff/on the rig from a raspberry pi.
I just look forward to have a well configured rig and make it work stable instead of using wdog.
I do not trust wdog not because of the coders/scripts but because of so many gpus and drivers (from time to time they change the output of error codes, etc).
This is awsome!! I will modify the code according the my setup.
As far as I can see from a quick look at the the code, the script assumes a rig is frozen if it doesn't respond to pings. Is it correct?
In the past I had rigs that were clearly frozen, but were still responding to pings. That is why, instead of pinging I check if the SSH port is open on the rig using netcat:
nc -z -v -w5 $rigIP 22
(w5 is a timeout of 5 seconds)
Thanks again :-)