From IRC
[15:20] <@BANsupport_ken> first thing he came back, got me my salary.
And I am banned from IRC, support ignores me.
s0br has had time to make payments to the people he chooses to, Multipool operator ect.
It was a kick, not a ban. Shall I post the abusive tirade you directed at the support staff? (Not me, btw)
Absolutely, post it from my initial post, where I said "Is any support here" And continue with all the 10+ posts I made in a calm manor while being trolled. AND then I got abuse from support / fanboys which led to the conversation that ensued.
Please, post the entire thing, and it would make clear to people what is happening. Please don't cherry pick sentances to make an agenda. But yes, please please post the whole thing, it will give people an idea how support treats people with valid concerns.
We are told by s0br yesterday he will email us that night with update on s3. I wake up the next morning with more payout issues. I am / was frustrated. Its not like this is day 2 of this ordeal, more than a week has gone by and no clarification. Meanwhile, the payouts continue to be sporadic. Some people get backpay, while me, and many others do not. Support gets paid in full, for ignoring people with the profits made from your miners.
Did it go anything like his previous "support" rants?:
Work with us or shut the fuck up. You're just ranting, ranting, ranting, even when people try to help you.
Sorry the pool isn't your personal BTC faucet. And I'm sure you'll post this on the forums like the whiny little child you are, so please post all of it.
You're a whiner, and a rage-filled idiot. Accept help or shut the fuck up.