
Topic: MINTER - Mainnet Live, Huge Community, Working Apps, Great Liquidity. JOIN! - page 6. (Read 1730 times)

Activity: 11
Merit: 0
Yesterday I sold a part of bitcoins and bought a bip.
What is profitable
trade bip to other coins OR delegate?

You can buy any minter coins and delegate them.
And you will receive a profit from the growth of the price of the coin and from the delegation Cool
Activity: 19
Merit: 0
Hi friends, I think the project of a minter is gaining momentum, as we remember the cue ball, too, was once a cent, and now the father of the crypt. Similarly, the bleep in the future will slowly grow in price, plus access to the world stage will give impetus to growth. As I got acquainted with the minter, he immediately fell in love with me; in chat groups there were a lot of interesting contests and pleasant communication.
You can also invest in the delegation and make a profit. Recently, studying the project, I am becoming more and more convinced that there is a great future.

Soon launch of mbank since July 15
This will give new impetus to the development of minters and an increase in income. the price of coins will increase significantly
Activity: 19
Merit: 0
Yesterday I sold a part of bitcoins and bought a bip.
What is profitable
trade bip to other coins OR delegate?

better to delegate. ever-increasing profits.
validator list

I recommend validators from the top ten. most verified

and the coins. it is better to pick up coins with a crr greater than 50. They are more protected from scam and more advantageous in delegation.
Activity: 19
Merit: 0
Yesterday I sold a part of bitcoins and bought a bip.
What is profitable
trade bip to other coins OR delegate?

better to delegate. ever-increasing profits.
validator list

I recommend validators from the top ten. most verified
Activity: 6
Merit: 0
Yesterday I sold a part of bitcoins and bought a bip.
What is profitable
trade bip to other coins OR delegate?
Activity: 6
Merit: 0
Hi friends, I think the project of a minter is gaining momentum, as we remember the cue ball, too, was once a cent, and now the father of the crypt. Similarly, the bleep in the future will slowly grow in price, plus access to the world stage will give impetus to growth. As I got acquainted with the minter, he immediately fell in love with me; in chat groups there were a lot of interesting contests and pleasant communication.
You can also invest in the delegation and make a profit. Recently, studying the project, I am becoming more and more convinced that there is a great future.
Activity: 419
Merit: 0
What is the best delegation node at the moment?
The best node has name "1%", Validator Public Key: Mp629b5528f09d1c74a83d18414f2e4263e14850c47a3fac3f855f200111111111
Hier is nodes overview :
it's true Smiley
Activity: 51
Merit: 0
What is the best delegation node at the moment?
The best node has name "1%", Validator Public Key: Mp629b5528f09d1c74a83d18414f2e4263e14850c47a3fac3f855f200111111111
Hier is nodes overview :
Activity: 9
Merit: 0
What is the best delegation node at the moment?
brand new
Activity: 0
Merit: 0
jr. member
Activity: 173
Merit: 1
When will M-Bank open?

it's working already, as their sale was on its base.
for mass use, it will be opened soon
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
No)) MINTER is SCAM for new stupid users,  not
Yesterday, the miner made a disclosure of the scheme for artificially inflating the price, the team and the validators, the community ordered by Gordeev set prices above the market 50 times unhappy with this situation in chat rooms, and the chat rooms refused to support this flash mob,
deprived of official status minter,
do not buy this coin in official chats
since there the price is too high at the direction of the DAO team 50 times MORE
use independent exchange points LIKE THIS
PROOFS HEAR Local_Minter_Flud_Chat

oбpaщeниe кo вceм нe paвнoдyшным людям, к cyдьбe Minter и дaльнeйшeмy eгo paзвитию.
B дaнный мoмeнт нaш чaт @Local_Minter пoдвepгaeтcя бeзycпeшным aтaкaми cпaм бoтoв и флyдepoв co cтopoны ocнoвнoй кoмaнды paзpaбoтчикoв Minter.
Этo cвязaннo c нe выпoлнeниeм иx ycлoвий диктoвaнными в yльтимaтивнoй, a инoгдa и в пpикaзнoй фopмe. B кoтopыe вxoдилo, дoбaвлeниe иx aдминиcтpaтopa для зaчиcтки гpyппы oт нe yгoдныx юзepoв и aльтepнaтивныx мнeний. Mнoгиe из вac были yжe зaбaнeны бeз вecкoй нa тo пpичины в иx ocнoвныx пoдкoнтpoльныx чaтax, зa нeпpaвильнyю цeнy, зa нeпpaвильнoe мнeниe или выcкaзывaниe. Haм мнoгим этo знaкoмo из peaльнoй жизни, кoгдa гocyдapcтвo кapaeт нe yгoдныx, и нaм мнoгим этo нaдoeлo и имeннo пo этoмy мы выбpaли блoкчeйн, гдe ecть cвoбoднoe мнeниe, cвoбoдныe дeньги и cвoбoдныe люди. Я был шoкиpoвaн cтoлкнyвшиcь c  peпpeccиями в дaннoм пpoeктe, этo тo чeгo я мeньшe вceгo oжидaл coздaвaя этoт чaт и дpyгиe пpoeкты в этoй ceти. Дaжe нe xoчy выклaдывaть вcю гpязь, чтo былa в пepeпиcкe, чтo бы нe кoмпpoмeтиpoвaть cooбщecтвo, тaк кaк мнe нe бeзpaзличнa cyдьбa Minter.
B дaннoй cитyaции, нaш дpyжный чaт пepexoдит пoд юpиcдикцию вceм извecтнoй p2p плoщaдки, кoтopaя выcтyпaeт в poли гapaнтa cдeлoк. Teпepь, вce oбъявлeния paзмeщённыe нa бyдyт, тaк жe пyбликoвaтьcя в дaннoм чaтe в пpивычнoм нaм фopмaтe, нo ecли вы пpивыкли paзмeщaть oбъявлeния в pyчнoм peжимe вcё ocтaнeтcя пo пpeжнeмy.
Кoмaндoй Minter был coздaн aльтepнaтивный чaт c тaким жe нaзвaниeм, гдe вы мoжeтe тoжe пyбликoвaть cвoи oбъявлeния тoлькo 1 paз в cyтки пoкa вac тaм нe зaбaнят. Цeны ceйчac тaм oчeнь интepecныe, ecть дaжe фeйкoвыe oбъявлeния.
Я жe бyдy пpoдoлжaть зaнимaтьcя paзвитиeм инфpacтpyктypы Minter в пpoeктe @MinterBOX гдe бyдy paд вac вcex видeть.
Activity: 11
Merit: 0
Is it true that Minter and Ton will be, some kind of, partners?
jr. member
Activity: 173
Merit: 1
Does this project use its own blockchain or TON network? Will there be some kind of DEX here?

it's own blockchain, main net working from may.

Even better than DEX already now, for example:
I've got lot's of the token on wawes that have it's a cost but can't do anything with them as "no buyers"
Here it's not possible and at any moment,
you can exchange any coin on BIP in a few seconds,
then BIP on ETH or BTC.

Activity: 1722
Merit: 1014
Does this project use its own blockchain or TON network? Will there be some kind of DEX here?
jr. member
Activity: 173
Merit: 1
yes it is not clear how to carry out auto delegation?

It seems rather easy just in the main console
- auto delegition
- chouse the wallet of the nod you like to
- chose the number of BIP that will go
- choose the quantity of these transactions
Activity: 11
Merit: 0
Hello guys,  how to delegate coins, there is a manual Huh
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