Is it ok to be gay in religion?
Is it ok to have sex before your married?
Is it ok getting tattooed?
Is it ok getting remarried after getting divorced?
Is it ok gossiping?
Is it ok Pigging out every now and then?
Is it ok women Speaking in Church?
Is it ok to play American football not allowed to touch pig skin or eat it?
Is it ok to pull out during sex and cum on the floor?
Is it ok to masturbate?
Now Badecker if you have done anything i mentioned your going to hell
Its all in your bible and more sins but i named a few crazy sins but real sins not allowed by god..
Now i bet you broke a couple?..
So now you have sinned and is going to hell what's the point in carrying on believing if you never believed in the first place?..
God told you what to do so you can have morals but you never done what god told you to do so you will burn in hell?..
Now you can say i don't believe those morals i believe in my own morals but then your in the situation your saying i am in for not believing in gods morals?
The do's and don'ts in the bible do you follow them all ?..Because if you don't your going to hell
The do's and don'ts in the bible do you change them to suit yourself?..Because if you do your going to hell ..
Now if i learned religions morals i think i would be a very judgemental person
Now because i am not judgemental it makes my child a better person than someone religious ..
So i will ask you this BADECKER have you been playing with yourself
Remember god knows and if you have your going to hell you dirty sinner
Now when were both burning in hell will we feel the same pain?
Now what's the difference in you and I if i pick up the bible and read it and think no i don't believe in that book it's full of lies..Then when you pick up the book and read it you change what the book tells you to do to suit yourself when it's told you what to do but you never done it..
Then you change the way it's been written are you not saying it's full of lies by changing it to suit yourself?
So in the end everybody who believes the bible now is going to hell?..
So what's the point in believing in something that's going to send you to hell anyway?..
Because even you don't follow the moral codes of the bible..
Have you ever played with your willy Your going to hell if you have..
Now i have played with my willy many of times so i am fucked so i am going to hell so i think what's the point i think i will tell god to go and fuck himself ..
To many do's and don'ts and that many do's and don't even god will send himself to hell because he
will tell you to don't do it then later on down the page he tells you to do do it he cannot even make his mind up..
And then the things he says clearly not to do we all do it anyway even you like no playing with your willy..
so Badecker after all the bible bashing your going to hell for being a WANKER
Here is the thing you missed with the do's and don't's idea in the Bible.
Originally, if a person broke one of these, that is, if a person sinned one time, it was like he sinned in all of the ways.
People were made perfect. God required this perfection to be maintained. So, if they did one sin, they became imperfect. Imperfection is worthlessness in God's sight, and is even worse than worthlessness. It is disgusting, bad, shameful, and deserves utter contempt and punishment in the highest degree.
Now what if there was a way that people could do one act of righteousness that would wipe out all the sins? I mean, if the doing of one sin can cause all the condemnation (of course, doing multiple sins makes things worse), why not have one act of righteousness that can restore perfection?
This is what God did. God came in the form of Jesus who became man as well as God. Jesus took all the punishment for all the sins. He could take punishment because He was man, and He could take it all because He was God at the same time, and God is big enough to take it all. Since all the punishment was taken in Jesus, the payment has been made, there is no more punishment necessary.
But this still wasn't the one act of righteousness that people can do to overcome their sinfulness and become perfect. So, God made believing in Jesus to be the one act of righteousness that overcomes all imperfection.
Why don't we see the perfection restored in this life? Simply because of the kind of setup God made the universe to be. There are more people that have to be born into this universe and go through the process of believing the one, righteous act that will make them perfect.
When the time is right, God will come and take all believers in Jesus into their new perfection. But, you have a choice to not believe in Jesus. If you don't believe in Jesus, you have not done the one righteous thing that is required to gain back your perfection. You will be destroyed with this corrupted universe.