The government, which is supposed to look out for us, are the ones tearing us apart. The currency does not have much value, inflation is on the high side, and the prices of things are triple the price it was at the beginning of the year.
The citizens speaking seems they are shouting into a void. It seems democracy has been used as a cover for either military rule or other forms of oppression that do not listen to the people. Those in power want to keep fooling the people and continue ruling under the tag of democracy.
It's not easy to think positively with the current economy talk less about starting out on your own because there are certain opposing government policies and oppositions too. What people do is adjust to the hardships.
People start looking for side incomes, working three jobs at once, trying to make ends meet, always on the go to work, neglecting their health and neglecting their emotions. A lot of people are even emotionally unstable, but they can't talk about it because that's not what's on the ground. You have a family to feed, you have responsibilities to take care of.
Political instability is the major cause of current economic hardship. The government is stabbing us while hugging us. Do you think political instability is the major course or something else?
At first the word, modern day slavery to me has to many things to ascribe it to, when you mention modern day slavery too many things runs into my mind, it is obvious that some of this countries that suffers modern day slavery are not independent, even though it has been pronounce by there colonial maters, when corruptible practices is common among leaders, her people suufer, when leaders can't plan for one or two years ahead her people suffer, when citizen who comes out to vote during election, but can't stand to defend it, the people still suffer, all this and too many to be mention are factors causing modern day slavery of today.