This system is composed by people like us, who somehow managed to accumulate power, using their skills and cognitive abilities to manipulate and take advantage from average citizens of society.
They are constantly trying to make us to believe we have no choices, besides playing their game. The fact you are persuaded to always choose the lesser evil is an evidence of that. However, you don't have to. You always have the possibility and potential to find gaps on this system imposed to you in order to thrive and develop yourself, despite obstacles and sabotages.
The difficult level involved in not playing the system's game may be high, but it's not impossible, and I guess the purpose of life is to not give up to them. Key point I've found is to be less dependant as possible on mainstream groups, while becoming more autonomous and self-reliable on yourself.
We can easily quit any job we have, that is the proof that we are not slaves, there is absolutely no other reason required, if you can go to work today, and give your two week notice, that means you are not a slave. Slavery has to be being hold against your wishes and that does exist in some sweatshop parts of the world, just not around where we live. I believe in the power of individual, and the right to be as strong as possible, so many people grew up from nothing and even became presidents, and that means we need to realize things aren't going to be that bad for the individual at all.