Fortnightly Sunday UpdateSalutations all!For anyone who missed it, "mApp" 1 will be
Proof of Existence &
Proof of Ownership. This means you'll be able to prove that a certain file existed at a particular time by including a hash of it in a MOIN transaction. Similarly, you can prove you "owned" the file by including a signature that signs the hash using one of your keys.'m currently working on constructing transactions with an appropriate OP_RETURN output (which will contain the file hash), and storing and retrieving an individual user's proofs between sessions. After that, there's the UI and workflow for hashing files/committing proofs to do, tweaking the transaction table and a few other bits and pieces. We'll have to increase the default maximum OP_RETURN tx size at some point too.
mObLOBScHAr has been good enough to offer some of his free time and skills to helping out on the development side and has begun writing a block parser that'll be able to index OP_RETURN transactions. The plan is for this to form the basis of a site that'll allow people to browse and verify proofs via the web.
I knew I was tempting fate by saying the new website should be finished before the time of this update. It's not, but will be soon.
Axllht has done a mountain of work on the new website and the next wallet design.
Jookly put together the MOIN movement and has showed the patience of a saint answering all the questions from noobs.
Vella's been singing our praises on Twitter for months.
Cryptocartel and
mObLOB have just recently offered to pitch in,
crz made the above graphic,
ilog picked up the SDC facebook group for us, and I spend hours most days working on the code (and my Sunday nights writing these updates to keep everyone informed). Our market cap is over 30x what it was 12 months ago and these are the people making your money grow. It may seem like we move slowly sometimes, but we're a modestly-sized team with big ambitions and no multi-million dollar ICO fund to piss away. To be blunt, it's fucking hard work at times... but we are getting there.
So if you have a stake in the project and think you can help in any way then don't hesitate to come forward. I'm beginning to feel like one of those TV charity appeal adverts repeating this every time ... "for only 7 dollars a month you can help change the life of an occasionally dispirited cryptocurrency developer" ... but that's how a project like this will achieve big things in spite of the resource gap. If everyone with a stake in MOIN was to devote a few hours each week to helping move it forward, I've no doubt we'd get to where we're headed a lot sooner. So I'm going to keep trying to coax others out of the shadows. When Dogecoin started they developed a huge and rabidly fanatical community as a straight Litecoin clone backed only by a meme. I'm not suggesting we can do the same, but I see no reason why we shouldn't be making some efforts to grow the community now while development is ongoing. But I don't have the time to spearhead that and develop too. So it's up to you guys.
PM me if you'd like an invite to the Riot team chan.
Till next time,
P.S. Still no Masternodes! ย