This is going to be POS 2.0 correct? ย If you are switching over to current SDC codebase I assume so but wanted to double check because if not, those superblocks are basically encouraging people to only run their client once every 2 weeks so they can save up their coinage and enormously increase their chances of hitting a superblock. ย People who do run their clients 24/7 and support a healthy network would be punished in favor of those who do not support the network.
You're right, and well done for spotting it. Ideally we'd have been on PoS 3.0 for the superblocks stage, but we wanted to launch now. The strategy you outlined will give people the best chance of hitting the blocks (and the one we expect most people to use), but the team will be running more than enough nodes to keep the network strong in the interim.
We felt it was a worthwhile compromise because we wanted to generate some excitement and reward stakeholders in the early stages. While it doesn't encourage people to stake continuously, it does encourage them to install the client and not to entrust the keeping of their MOIN to exchanges. After the superblocks stage, the PoS interest rate remains 50% for another 9 months or so, giving people a very good incentive to continue staking. Therefore, we believe the net effect will be a larger, more robust network in the long-term (and five very happy superblock recipients).