My findings ... maybe EBK1000 could finaly comment on this - I tried to run Masternodes , fullnodes since weeks to keep the chain running.
root@vmd12461:~/mojocoin/src# grep -n masternode activemasternode.cpp
12:// Bootup the masternode, look for a 500 MOJO input and register on the network
root@vmd12461:~/mojocoin/src# grep -n exactly *
activemasternode.cpp:437: if(out.tx->vout[out.i].nValue == GetMNCollateral(pindexBest->nHeight)*COIN) { //exactly
root@vmd12461:~/mojocoin/src# grep -n GetMNCollateral main.h
78:inline int64_t GetMNCollateral(int nHeight) { return 100000; }
If you check my posts you see that the daemon accepts the 100000 transaction (masternode outputs) but can't start it for an unknown reason (at least for me)
Please keep the scam accusations / moaning to the other thread. I will deal with masternode issues when withdrawals are working from Livecoin (hopefully) by tomorrow.
All the crap will just cause me to lock the thread again.
1. We have working Win and Mac wallets out
2. We will fix the chain and open withdrawals (hopefully tomorrow, Livecoin stated they anticipated withdrawals will be open tomorrow)
3. We will then look at other issues as they arise and look at the staking
4. Do you have an issue, PM the details and IT WILL BE DEALT WITH in order
That is all for now. Moan and make accusation in the other thread started by Hagie.