She says yes, it was the last one (as of this morning) on that page.
I applaud your efforts here and it's more than I've ever done, but I must say that I lean heavily toward the thought patterns of whoever is responsible for the 'official-ish' Bitcoin site (Gornick's link above) and there seem to be some notable opposites between your posters and those suggestions.
For me, the most effective campaign would be one which specifically does not make any significant claims other than that the Bitcoin solution is different than our current solutions, interesting, and legitimate.
Like my mother, I also may not be completely typical of mainstream consumers, but, again OTOH, I'm not sure that that mainstream consumers are group who are likely to be drawn to Bitcoin no matter what the marketeering. And if they are they could probably be turned around by a story or two in the MSM about Silk Road or whatever.
I personally have changed my opinion on how to market Bitcoin.
I think that there are a lot of niches that can use Bitcoin effectively, and those are the groups we should target. I'm brainstorming a new logo complete with new marketing in another thread if you'd like to help out!
I'm interested to help out, what's this thread you're talking about?