Jr Member and Member: 10 Stakes/Weeks
Full Member: 30 Stakes/Week
Sr Member: 50 Stakes/Week
Hero and Legendary: 80 Stakes/Week
Are you kidding? This is not fair. The stake is too low for Member and too high for Hero.
Please revise this. It could be like 20 stakes for Member.
And remove newbies... They will be fake accounts obviously!!!!!!
Pardon me? Is this logical?
I don't know WHO is the dev but this should be fixed.
1-) Newbies cannot participant, they will be all fake accounts.
2-) If JR gets 1 unit of bounty, Hero gets 16 units of bounty, which is totally fallacy.
3-) If Member gets 2 unit of bounty, Hero gets 16 units of bounty which is another fallacy.
4-) The stake of Hero, Legendary and Sr should be decreased or the stake of JR and Member should be increased. Both Works!
Please pay attention. Look other signature campaigns. Nothing like this situation exists normally.
Possibly not all newbies are fake. But have never seen Sign. campaigns with Newbies in.
A huge disproportion in stakes between Jr. and Hero could be aligned.
Also Member should get more than Jr, imho
if they allow newbies then it the campaign will be full of some alternative accounts, and which is not good for the other members and most importantly with the team. i think they should only accept jr member ranks and up.
If it is already determined by dev why should not accept it, want big stake then raise your account level
it's fair i think