If bounty donations count (and I don't see why they wouldn't), well I'm looking forward to my crates of diamonds.
Are you thinking of only completed bounties? Or all of them, both waiting to be claimed as well as pledged and waiting for collection?
Would donations to developers addresses before they listed the dev wallet fund count, also what about donations to the giveaway fund .. which I think has been sent to the dev wallet?
So many different different names I've used! I guess I'll be left with my own figures
- 1 XMR donated equals 1 XMR regardless of its exchange value. Other currencies (BTC) are converted to XMR at the exchange rate of the donation date;
- The donation date is the date when you published the willingness to surrender this money to development (in case that there is a delay between the stated intent and the transaction), however it is listed only after you transfer/surrender the funds (this applies to bounties where you have the funds in your possession and/or don't know if you are required to surrender them or not);
- Donations to bounty funds, dev personal addresses, dev wallet and giveaway fund, all count and are listed
with the day when they were announced,
from the day the donation is actually made (or I've been informed about it);
- All donations are added together and rank advanced accordingly;
- List is arranged by "earliest date of promotion to the level in question", then by "earliest date of promotion to the level N-1 (if applicable), etc.", then by "first to be added gets preference";
- The hero donators in the list (1st dan and up) get to add a personal message (name + text must fit in
one line), furthermore their promotion date history is shown from the 1st dan up (if applicable);
- The superhero donators (4th dan and up) get 5 full lines of message (4th dan only 3 lines sorry) in italics (moderated by me);
- The eternal legendary donators (1 kilo club, 6th dan, crates of Diamonds), get:
* 1 crate of Diamonds for every 1,000 XMR donated
* one custom title per every 1,000 XMR above the first one
* higher dan rank, so that (2k => 7th dan, 5k => 8th dan, ad inf)
* to change their text at will
* complimentary bottle of wine from my own cellars in Malla upon their introductory visit (my wine cellar is 80sqm, of 40 different wines);
- Donating time does not count towards this list (it makes practical problems of valuation, for example I would not
work for less than $2k per hour - does that mean my writing this message earns me 1.5 crates of Diamonds?
- There will be a separate Heroes of Work list that seeks to give glory to the ones donating their time, including the devs.