FreeTrade, competing currencies also means if a parameter of your coin is too messed up (e.g. Bitcoin's debasement will decline asymptotically to 0[1]), users could leave for another coin. And there is a research paper that predicts declining debasement is one factor that might cause miners to leave Dogecoin[2].
Rpietila has shown that 5400% annual Debasement (1.1% per DAY) is working to distribute the coin via the normal expected power law distribution of money[3].
Decentralized debasement is the way we efficiently distribute crypto-currency.
Distribution is very important, because Metcalf's Law tells us that usage scales as the square of the number of users. Peter R had even shown that the Bitcoin price is scaling by Metcalf's Law. This is observed fact not just theory.
Dogecoin showed that more liberal distribution works (the community was working very hard to donate and get coins into as many hands as possible). Note there is a research paper that predicts Dogecoin's death due to declining rate of debasement[2].
It is true that most people just spend what ever you give them, e.g. Rpietila often cited the land given to Russians after the fall of Communism then most just sold it and the ownership ended up concentrated again. But this spending process creates the network effects that are the square of the number of spenders. Any one here who understands a little math, understands that something that is scaling by NxN instead N, is scaling (growing) much faster.
I'd prefer to go even higher than 3% to something like 5%, but it seems to turn off myopic investors who don't want to maximize distribution. And the difference between 3% and 5% is only 278% of Metcalf squaring. Whereas the difference between 1% and 3% is 900% network effects growth factor. So seems to me that 3% is the best choice. It also matches the level of population + productivity growth, so if ever it became the dominant currency then it would be well matched for the long-term.
P.S. Using the term 'inflation' where you should be using 'debasement' is an error. Inflation has to do with the price level in the economy, not the money supply and the relationship between the two is complex given by the 4 variables in the Quantity Theory of Money.
[1] Strictly speaking I believe the minimum is 1 Satoshi thus it does concretely reach 0, not asymptotically.
[2][3] A. Dragulescu and V. Yakovenko. Exponential and power-law probability distributions of wealth and income in the United Kingdom and the United States.
P.P.S. Xanis perhaps you need some
Xanax and then
watch this.