I'd say it's a scammy launch when..
- A fake community take over is initiated.
- A couple of people end up with all the coins on launch.
It's common knowledge Risto owns the coin.
He was the big whale sugar daddy since day 1.
To say he manipulated the coin from day 1 would be an epic understatement.
He has run his mouth about all kinds of things such as PAYING THE DEVS.
Way i see it is a lot of these coins end up the same way.
HOW ..is another matter.
To say there has been no bullshit with Monero is simply a lie.In fact i would wager to say there has been far more bullshit than Dash.
Which is why it sort of pisses me off that every time the Monero idiots get caught yet again doing shit
they immediately go to pointing the finger at Dash.
And have i not pointed that out literally a hundred times ?
Guess what assholes ?As time goes on i am just armed with more stories on Monero and their merry band of shill idiots.
How many do i have for Dash ?
I can't even think of any aside from that 1 single thing you shills harp about.
Which is circumstantial at best.
Plenty of coins have had changes and you all don't scream scam on them.
Unless of course it's an ANON coin that competes with
YOUR bags.
You were warned.. wanna point the finger at Dash on yet another topic about Monero stupidity ?
Then it's fair game to open up a can of whoop-ass on the usual Morono suspects.
I find it hilarious too how your key people involved with it all along are eventually caught up in shit 1 after another and the rest of you simply say ohhhhh he has nothing to do with the coin..
Trying to down play their involvement.
Well guess what else ?You are running out of shills to thrown under the bus
And yeah.. i god damn fucking dare you to call me out any single aspect of anything i said.
i will jam it down your fucking throat so fast you won't know what hit you !
Who wants to bet a certain "pony" and a guy who had to sell his previous unicorn way back were the original guys behind "Bytecoin" ?
You know the name of the coin before they changed it to Monero hahahha
Sorry but it is NOT believable at all what so ever that..
A dev showed up here and created a coin called Bytecoin not realizing there already was one with that name.
Combined with the fact that he immediately vanished forever never to show his face again even once.
And simultaneously we see a PONY emerge as the rebranded coin dev.
Hmmm smell bullshit ?
What does it matter ?A trail of fraud that stretches back to before the coin was even fucking launched
Or i should say "relaunched"
Really want to get into it ?Lets recap all the I'm sorry's..
Except for when they copy and paste what i say as the "truth" yet neg me for "lies" here.
Bottom Line:
I told you all years ago over & over and ever since the coin is doomed.
Because of the idiots that surround it.
I said they would fuck up what ever coin they were backing.. ANON or not.
They are shady bullshitting greedy little sleaze balls.
Guess who runs a Monero gambling site that was hacked ? And
Greed much dickheads ?
And hacked ?
Yup and what did that idiot pony say ?
What i was saying all along about Monero for years..
But it's true when he says it but lies when i do ? .....again.
The same pony admits his faggy ass bullshit ANON shitcoin is in fact 80% secure..
Then shills says ohhhh we never claimed it was 100% secure
uhhhm yeah you did.. it says so on the "merch" Risto's employee Mr David Latapie modeled for pics with.
Does it say 80% secure on the hoody for sale ?
And the kicker is I KNOW damn well these same douche bags have been up to far more..
But i need PROOF.. i can't accuse them of shit otherwise.
Like they do with Dash.
Where was the actual proof ..proving Dash was rigged on purpose ?
There isn't any.That is like saying Satoshi rigged Bitcoin so he could flash mine them all on his own and be super rich.
Possible ? Sure.. but unproven.. like your Dash claims.
MONERO IDIOTS THAT LIVE IN "Safe as Houses" should not throw stones. PS:Want more ?
I have probably 50 Monero bookmarks and a bunch of stuff piled up i got from PM's in the last year or two.
Keep jiggling your little 80% secure dick-holsters..
Or maybe better yet just stick to your little forum game here that is and i quote..
"a powerful adoption" asset (that coincidentally made Risto a ton of money and is now being called a scam in the scam section by their very own long term shills)
Times are tough for ole Risto ..he may have to sell another Unicorn or two LOL
PPS:Note the only douche bags on the forum running a "Forum game" ..for adoption is called a scam.
And it was the 2nd one King Risto launched here.. the first being something he launched to make money off of.. i know because he was bragging to me way back on Poloniex he made thousands on it.
So yeah duh.. of course he launched another one (Retro)
for "adoption" reasons But oh yeeeeeaaaah Monero is sooooooo fucking legit and ... Dash is not