I agree.. as long as there are companies that don't play by the rules, secretly develop and manufacture ASICs, mine with them and then sell them with profit to unsuspecting public..
There is so much wrong with an ignorant statement like this I feel I have to respond.
1. What 'rules' are you referring to exactly? Pretty sure there arent any industry wide rules that are accepted as valid.
2. All companies develop new products before announcing them. You are trying to apply malicious intent to a STANDARD INDUSTRY PRACTICE.
3. This might come as a shock, but when you develop a new product, you have to test it to make sure it works. So yea they mine on them, that is how you test a MINER.
4. The unsuspecting public? People have a duty to make their own informed decisions. If they follow others blindly like sheep they deserve to lose their ass on things.
Well, and I feel you are just trolling me here ..to make me respond to your rather insulting comment how my statement was ignorant. But I don't see exactly, what I was ignoring:
1. Don't play by the rules - that was an expression, if you did not get it, that is your problem. What I meant is that there are companies that are only profit-driven with no social responsibility whatsoever. Those exploit the system put in place by the developers of the digital currencies to gain unfair advantage over other participants in the "free market" (look at Nicehash or Bitmain). And even free market must be protected with some rules.
2. What you are saying is true, but I think we both know that this is different in this case, because that product of the company directly messes up with the entire system. I would not mind ASICs developed in cooperation with the community of a given coin (wouldn't I? I don't know, that's probably not going to happen anyway). You're just taking my statement way too seriously ..
3. I think the extent of such testing will be clear in few weeks. I would prefer if they tested such product (see point 2) on their private blockchain. But of course, slap me with the obvious fact, the shocking revelation that you need to "test" your product before launch on the market. And why not earn few hundred milion bucks doing it. You are so smart and I am so stupid I did not know that. Congratulations.
4. Still, there are some basic consumer protection laws in place in many developed countries. I am in no way defending such laws, but there is no way you can be sure that the product you purchase has not been extensively used. Therefore I used the term unsuspecting public..
I don't see how you have constructively added value to this discussion, all you did was take my rather half-serious statement apart and comment on the obvious things. I personally did not learn anything new from your clever comment, but please continue with your education. Anyway, I am out of here, not much has ever came out of internet discussions anyway and this is as much as I was willing to write this year.