This is a serious problem that must be get solutions, do not ever think that bitcoin will be accepted many peoples or countries even if the presumption bitcoin is a great place for money laundering. Anonymous makes bitcoin as a paradise for money laundering. Let's find a solution together to stop this issued.
you may be right, but history has shown that first a small group of people follow the money, however it is generated, more people join that group and then the sheep herds follow last. the usa is built on the blood money of domestic and foreign wars, loans from other countries never paid back, revenue and empires built on slave trade, import and export of drugs, war machines and weapons and other various ambiguous endeavors
i owned lockheed martin stock on 9-10-01 and also on 9-11-01. because they build aircraft for war and weapons, the ten minutes surrounding 9-11 showed a near doubling in stock price, based directly on the assumption of the actions that would follow a terrorist attack. no one tossed their stock certificates in the street because the price increase came at the cost of some 4000 people followed by a war costing many more lives.
the deciding factors for bitcoins will be convenience, value and other factors, not the possible uses of it. this is crude, but true, announce to the public that a huge spike in miscarriages is coming and that the value of xyz pharm stocks is going to triple and they will say very sad things, WHILE BUYING STOCK
it is the fear of these drug cartels and terrorists and other groups that cause individuals and families to build strong investments and prepare for an unknown future. without checking, i can be very sure that the US Dollar has been used to launder more money than most other currencies on the planet, just based on demographics and being one of the big five and it is still used without a single tear