That's actually not proof if he was doing it as a gambler and just cashing out winnings slowly over time.
He said "This is worrying, but an easy way for MoneyPot to refute these allegations is to provide proof of solvency" in reference to
"What happened was the dude ddosed moneypot and then used the server access to bet, knowing where he was going to win"
So providing solvency doesn't prove that the guy was not cheating or stealing.
What that person was claiming was that someone had access to the server seeds of MP, allowing him to place bets that he knew he would win. Having this access would allow someone to win the entire bankroll without detection.
He also said "this time is different though, he did it in a different way. Heard he still has access to MP servers to this day."
So while proof of solvency would not prove that investors weren't defrauded at all–which is virtually impossible to prove anyways–it would show that funds weren't outright stolen, e.g. from the hot wallet.