Yes but only about 1 second in advance.
Why one second?
Random theories are just more or less lucky guesses, I'd rather be researching into an asset I want to invest in, be it stocks or cryptocurrency, to get an understanding of the market and even if not for the immediate profits, but so I'll be productive in that field in the long term. That being said, true random guesses could give you profits some time, but if you learn all there is about an investment market, you can always make profits for a lifetime.
What makes you different than professional analysts whose beaten by darts?
it says you cannot predict it using past data and two things are different. It says one cannot outperform the market without assuming "additional risk" this risk is called un systematic often referred to as Beta. Trader doesn't only predicts the direction of the market but along with that ascertains the risk of that trade and reward which he is willing to take.
And how do we calculate individual stock's beta?
Bur here the theory that you have suggested is something that i have serious doubts on, since this is very weird and twisted
One experiment showing results opposite to the one the theory can kill the theory instantly , even if it has years of backing up and data.
Lol weird and twisted?! Read
this paper's conclusion mate
Thank you for the suggestion , now let us analyze what the main conclusion is:
We examine the value of investment advice given monthly by investment analysts in the “Investment Dartboard
Column” of the Wall Street Journal. The portfolio thus formed is compared with another portfolio which consists of
stocks selected at random. The results indicate that the pros portfolio generates significant positive abnormal return on the
day of publication in the WSJ. However, upon comparison of this portfolio with the dart portfolio, the pros portfolio
outperforms the dart portfolio only when the holding period is one week or less. For holding periods longer than a week,
the pros portfolio does not perform better than the portfolio of random picks. The pros portfolio, in fact, generates significant negative abnormal returns over the longer holding period intervals. Therefore, a profitable opportunity can be
realized by going short on the buy recommendation and/or long on the sell recommendation over the six-month
investment horizon.
This leads us to believe that the publicity effect, is potent only in the short-term which then lends support to a moral
hazard problem encountered by investment professionals. In other words, the effect of the recommendation in the long-
run is transitory.
I do strongly oppose animal experimentation.
You think they like throwing darts?
Secondly conclusion is like : A wannabe scientist , not being able to express what he did and what he intends to use it for.
Very easily he could have used random generator since the whole point was putting values up and selecting randomly.
Even if its true (which is absurd) its not for us long time holders.