d) Mooncoin is just a revived coin - no, it never was dead, even after sudden disappearing of an original dev who reported health issues and that he was in hospital before his disappearing, who knew what happened to him, but some people are ready to judge and blame him...
also it was an Altcoin crisis in 2014-2015, many coins went down significantly, many people had no faith in Altcoins at all in those dark times, MOON was no exception
e) cry no adoption, no real use - and what real use, say, DOGE has now? It's the matter of time, even Bitcoin's adoption and real use is still at the beginning.
I can say that old Mooncoin members use Mooncoin to tip each other, and some people, designers etc. accept Mooncoin,
Coinomi suggested to implement Mooncoin for 350 mil MOON, they asked for MOON, not for BTC, do you see?
you can use cointopay.com to start selling and buying things with Mooncoin,
that depends on you, you can organize a payment gateway, accept MOON, auto exchange it to BTC, and then auto exchange BTC to Gift cards and let people buy with MOON at marketplaces with Giftcards,
technically it's possible, but it's too early maybe, no big demand will be,
because common people don't know about MOON and DOGE yet, it's exotic to pay with these currencies (and even with BTC now),
however if it becomes not exotic in the future, the price and the market cap will be not like now (!) remember it.
Good afternoon. I agree 100 % ! The Mooncoin (and all cryptocurrencies) is in the first stages of its life...