In some way, I would be unhappy if I large amount of money suddenly fell on my head. Because I know that some people who I know will act like I owe them, I must share, or it is my obligatory to be their wallet (meaning from now on, I will be paying everywhere because "I am rich"). I will get a special attitude from them to me and towards my family. I think you have heard stories when all of a sudden long distance relatives appear and act like they have been with you all the time and you are best friends. Or stories when people stress on "if I had an orange, I would share it for sure". I guess that is one of the reasons why lottery winners get broke.
I know a guy/have a friend, who was not believing in Bitcoin for years, and said in 2019 that it is to late to buy. When I had told him after few years, that my investment made x10, he has started frequently talking about sharing. That if I share now, that everything will return in a large amount.
Well, I didn't say that you need to shout about it to the whole world. You know that money loves silence. And especially when you suddenly get a large sum of money, take it for granted, and not as some people think: easy come, easy go. Besides, if you know how to say "no," then on ordinary days, they won't bother you, knowing that you are not greedy but very reasonable and understand that lending money means losing friends. Tell them that you don't want to lose anyone.
No need to shout, but it will be impossible for a person to hide that he is rich now. More or less relatives and even neighbors have an understanding how much a person earns. They dont know the exact amount, but all they clearly see that person earns little, average or above average. If they see that I drive different car, new expensive gadgets and electronic appliances, clothes, they will understand that something has changed in a positive direction in that persons life. No one in clear mind would sit, hold and watch on his lottery winnings forever. At the same time people who will always ask, leech or expect expensive gifts, appear or hang out around lottery winners always. I would say that this is a nuance that a lotter winner must bear with.