Or "Most lottery winners end up being miserable"
This are both false beliefs, but somehow majority of people believe them to be true. While in reality, most lottery winners end up doing better then ever. And that they are bettering the lives of themselves and their family.
To be fair, there are indeed people who win the lottery and eventually go broke. There are people that tried to work hard. Maybe they got a business but it failed. Which is why they go broke. Meanwhile, there are people who never even tries. They just went straight back to casino again after winning such huge amount of money.
However, I do know people who win the lottery and end up doing really well for themselves.
1: Jealousy:
If we think that there's some terrible price to pay for winning, that makes losing seem like a better option in a long run.
That makes sense. Admit it or not, we would all rather win the lottery than to work ourselves off to the bone. Alas, it doesn’t happen to all of us so how do we cope? We just think that we’ll be better off without winning the lottery. That we can get there even without it.
But in reality, life would be a lot easier if we just win the lottery.