Operational results
Received 110 new propositions, of which accepted 44i, rejected 66. Total bets in worth 354.89123149 BTC.ii
Revenue : 3.85394132 BTC, of which :
bets resolved : 2.34817188 BTCiii
fees from refunds: 0.04168410 BTC
advertising : 0 BTC
house bets won : 1.46408534iv
gracious donations to shareholders : 0.0 BTCv
Expenditure : 6.33763872 BTC, of which :
referrals paid : 0.04867773 BTCvi
house bets made : 4.40000000 BTC
rectification charge : 1.88896099 BTC
Profit : −2.4836974 BTC which will be carried over as a charge on the next month’s statement.
We now have stats for Bitbet, wherein you paste your address and a history pops out. For your convenience, the site’s performance (these are the bets made automatically by BitBet on all new bets accepted). Tl;dr : -0.01019974 BTC over 38.70500000 BTC in 581 bets.
i. Much better success rate!
ii. Graphs :
iii. 234.81705021 BTC total pool resolved this month.
iv. 2.50000000 BTC worth of house bets were resolved in the current month.
v. Once the instruments of punishment are laid bare on the table, learning becomes not only possible but quite swift.
vi. Seems it’s stabilized here.