also answers your question about why so few use or discuss it: affordability and most blokes are too chickenshit or just plain lazy to learn how to register and trade on it.
Is that what mircea tells you?
That's is like saying nobody joins scientology because people are "too lazy to learn". It's simply bullshit and sounds exactly like an excuse mircea would make up.
The reason nobody uses mpex is because it is a joke plain and simple. If it was useful and not a scam, they wouldn't need to use a referral scheme with massive rewards to perpetuate it.
Look at havelock for example, sure it may consist of 99% shitty stocks, but people use it because it is useful and works well. Not because they are paid X amount of money from recruiting Y amount of idiots.
not sure exactly what you consider value; according to blockrecords, there are many thousands of bitcoin worth of value contained in the exchange
Can I see the block records? I've never seen publicly verifiable records regarding mpex. Especially nothing to suggest that the ~20K btc traded per month does not only consist of mircea trading with himself.
1. so you would rather trade on a service run by an egomaniac from serbia or hungary who is trying to reduce the # of btc he holds. I don't think you want to deal with the hungarians, those people are fuking savages.
You seem to think having an exchange run by an egomaniac is required. Fun fact: It's not.
Outside of mirceas cult of financiology his behavior would be completely unacceptable for a CEO of a company "worth" ~$500m.
2. and you would rather trade on exchange thats anonymously manipulated. it shouldn't make any difference regardless if you do the math.
Again, neither. Why is stock manipulation acceptable to you?
3. this is the same way any national stock exchange generates revenue, to be clear. the difference being that nyse loses money promoting itself while mpex users can get paid to do it and exchange operators have more time & resource capital to deliver the service.
No it's not. NYSE and other legitimate exchanges earn money from the services they provide.
Mpex earns money via a referral scheme (and a tiny bit from their service). Referral schemes have been used for decades to advertise scams because they simply work.
5. SDice seems to have sufficient value to gain attention from
an agency lady. I believe its the highest net worth publicly held btc company ever.
Nope. Asicminer has given out more in dividends than satoshidice was sold for. And the revenue from satoshidice was weak at best.
But even asicminer is not valued anywhere near s.mpoe. Even though AM has given out more than 10 times as much btc from dividends, it is still valued 1/10th that of s.mpoe.
what evidence can you demonstrate showing mpex securities represent anything but the exact value reported down to a satoshi? Its all quite open and auditable with blockexploration and such.
Can you show me the publicly verifiable info? Can you prove that the trading does not consist almost entirely of mirceas stock manipulation?
Do you honestly believe the values of mpex stocks are at all representative of their worth?
Please explain:
MPOE: 1.7% annual yield
BBET: 1.7%
NSA: 0%
MG: 0%
I know that you will probably just say that mpex consists of only the most bullish "investors" who don't care the slightest about
the companies Mirceas ability to bring in revenue/profit and you could be right.
I just want to know why stocks on mpex are traded at less than 2% yearly return. There is no reasonable explanation other than stock manipulation.
Investing 101 says that a stock should be valued relative to the amount of profit it can possibly generate. Is there any way possible that mpoe generates 1 million btc? What about half that amount? Can they even earn 1/10th of that in their lifetime?