Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'Too many connections' in /www/p/pl/platform-stable.dns.st/includes/DB/MySQL.class.php:26 Stack trace: #0 /www/p/pl/platform-stable.dns.st/includes/DB/MySQL.class.php(73): DB\MySQL->__construct(Array) #1 /www/p/pl/platform-stable.dns.st/includes/DB.class.php(24): DB\MySQL::getInstance() #2 /www/p/pl/platform-stable.dns.st/includes/db_structure.php(3): DB::getInstance() #3 /www/p/pl/platform-stable.dns.st/includes/init.php(48): require_once('/www/p/pl/platf...') #4 /www/p/pl/platform-stable.dns.st/www/_handlepage.php(3): require_once('/www/p/pl/platf...') #5 {main} thrown in /www/p/pl/platform-stable.dns.st/includes/DB/MySQL.class.php on line 26
That's rather a lot of information about your internal file structure to be giving away. Recommend switching verbose error reporting off.
I really can't believe that someone as allegedly smart as the team behind Mt. Gox continues to ACTIVELY REFUSE to act with any intelligence. They either kept the same douchebag programmer that got them hacked in the first place, or hired a whole new douche nozzle to replace the douchebag.