Nobody who has the best interests of Bitcoin at heart (not many) as opposed to the best interests of their own personal wealth at heart (almost everyone), could disagree with this statement.
Look, buddy, I appreciate a good truism as much as the next person, but incompetent sophistry is SOO ancient greece...
What I mean by that, is, we have too many idiots making grand stereotypes and assumptions about what everybody else thinks, what everybody else does with their bitcoins, and how much everybody else "cares about bitcoin." Basically you're sitting around wanking and nobody else really cares what Random Dude #2819875432 On Internet Forum thinks they do with their coins, how much he thinks they care about bitcoin, etc. etc.
How is it that I put $50,000 in a USD savings account for a "Rainy day" (while also spending USD normally) and I am a "responsible saver," but if I put $5,000 (equiv) in a Bitcoin wallet (while also spending BTC normally) I am all of a sudden a greedy speculator who doesn't care about bitcoin? If the stereotypers had their way, everyone would buy just enough bitcoin to buy shit and not save any of it. If your position is based on truisms and stereotypes you should perhaps spend some time alone, reflecting the kind of person you have become