The EU forced Cyprus' hand. Why would Japan force Japan to seize bank funds so that Japan will bailout Japan.
Just two weeks ago I couldn't imagine that EU can go robbing bank savings. Now I have lost most of my assets. I got a hard lesson.
as far as we where aware there has been many financial confiscations in the eurozone
like pension fund write downs public servant paycuts and holiday amendments, retirement date changes etc etc etc
in Australia the same changes have been implemented, many newer workers will never have the same benefits public or private as the
exact same workers still employed in similar positions because they are slightly older and financial law changes are not retrospective they only
affect new contracts and or people born after a certain date, Australia has some mineral wealth and even greater oil wealth not to mention
a relatively low population so you can imagine they would not dream of taking bank savings
the government would be overthrown in a matter of days NOT WEEKS and then all the old benefits would be reinstalled because Australia is infact a wealthy country
not to mention the massive oil deposits that are hidden from the mainstream Australian public and exploited by foreign countries