It was the Bitcointalk forum that inspired us to create - Bitcointalk is an excellent site that should be the default page for anybody dealing in cryptocurrency, since it is a virtual gold-mine of data. However, our experience and user feedback led us create our site; Bitcointalk's search is slow, and difficult to get the results you need, because you need to log in first to find anything useful - furthermore, there are rate limiters for their search functionality.
The aim of our project is to create a faster website that yields more results and faster without having to create an account and eliminate the need to log in - your personal data, therefore, will never be in jeopardy since we are not asking for any of your data and you don't need to provide them to use our site with all of its capabilities.
We created this website with the sole purpose of users being able to search quickly and efficiently in the field of cryptocurrency so they will have access to the latest and most accurate information and thereby assisting the crypto-community at large.
host47:Java jim$ cat
java -classpath multibit-shell-exe.jar org.multibit.viewsystem.commandline.MultiBitCommandLine
host47:Java jim$ ./
22:31:33.477 [main] INFO o.m.v.c.MultiBitCommandLine - Starting MultiBitCommandLine
22:31:33.484 [main] INFO o.m.ApplicationDataDirectoryLocator - Application data directory.1 = '/Users/jim/Library/Application Support/MultiBit'
22:31:33.514 [main] DEBUG o.m.v.c.MultiBitCommandLine - useTestNet = false
22:31:33.545 [main] DEBUG o.m.v.c.MultiBitCommandLine - userLanguageCode = en
22:31:33.564 [main] DEBUG o.m.v.c.MultiBitCommandLine - Creating model
22:31:33.569 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.model.MultiBitModel - Initial view from properties file is '1'
22:31:33.569 [main] DEBUG o.m.v.c.MultiBitCommandLine - Creating views
MB > 22:31:33.576 [main] DEBUG o.m.v.c.MultiBitCommandLine - Registering with controller
22:31:33.577 [main] DEBUG o.m.v.c.MultiBitCommandLine - Creating Bitcoin service
22:31:33.678 [main] DEBUG - Reading block store '/Users/jim/Library/Application Support/MultiBit/multibit.blockchain' from disk
22:31:33.683 [main] INFO - Reading block store from /Users/jim/Library/Application Support/MultiBit/multibit.blockchain
22:31:33.691 [main] INFO - Read chain head from disk: 0000000000000a22f6f29ba1f5ca3c95bcf13d5f2bafeb45028971a154d73026
22:31:33.693 [main] DEBUG - Connecting ...
22:31:33.720 [main] DEBUG o.m.v.c.MultiBitCommandLine - Locating wallets
22:31:33.721 [main] DEBUG o.m.v.c.MultiBitCommandLine - Loading wallet from '/Users/jim/real money/blockChain.wallet'
MB:Message : Opening wallet "/Users/jim/real money/blockChain.wallet"...
22:31:36.204 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.file.FileHandler - rememberFileSizesAndLastModified: Wallet filename /Users/jim/real money/blockChain.wallet , walletFileSize 3728832 ,walletFileLastModified 1333804495000 ,walletInfoFileSize 4399 ,walletInfoFileLastModified 1333804493000
MB:Message : Opening wallet "/Users/jim/real money/blockChain.wallet"... done.
22:31:36.219 [main] DEBUG o.m.v.c.MultiBitCommandLine - Loading wallet from '/Users/jim/real money/pettyCash.wallet'
MB:Message : Opening wallet "/Users/jim/real money/pettyCash.wallet"...
22:31:36.547 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.file.FileHandler - rememberFileSizesAndLastModified: Wallet filename /Users/jim/real money/pettyCash.wallet , walletFileSize 452062 ,walletFileLastModified 1333804496000 ,walletInfoFileSize 1246 ,walletInfoFileLastModified 1333804496000
MB:Message : Opening wallet "/Users/jim/real money/pettyCash.wallet"... done.
22:31:36.563 [main] DEBUG o.m.v.c.MultiBitCommandLine - Loading wallet from '/Users/jim/real money/multibitDonate/donations.wallet'
MB:Message : Opening wallet "/Users/jim/real money/multibitDonate/donations.wallet"...
22:31:37.072 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.file.FileHandler - rememberFileSizesAndLastModified: Wallet filename /Users/jim/real money/multibitDonate/donations.wallet , walletFileSize 992392 ,walletFileLastModified 1333804841000 ,walletInfoFileSize 1189 ,walletInfoFileLastModified 1333804840000
MB:Message : Opening wallet "/Users/jim/real money/multibitDonate/donations.wallet"... done.
22:31:37.103 [main] DEBUG o.m.v.c.MultiBitCommandLine - Loading wallet from '/users/jim/test/test1.wallet'
MB:Message : Opening wallet "/users/jim/test/test1.wallet"...
22:31:37.109 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.file.FileHandler - rememberFileSizesAndLastModified: Wallet filename /users/jim/test/test1.wallet , walletFileSize 3082 ,walletFileLastModified 1333833631000 ,walletInfoFileSize 278 ,walletInfoFileLastModified 1333833631000
MB:Message : Opening wallet "/users/jim/test/test1.wallet"... done.
22:31:37.110 [main] DEBUG o.m.v.c.MultiBitCommandLine - Loading wallet from '/users/jim/test/test2.wallet'
MB:Message : Opening wallet "/users/jim/test/test2.wallet"...
22:31:37.115 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.file.FileHandler - rememberFileSizesAndLastModified: Wallet filename /users/jim/test/test2.wallet , walletFileSize 3082 ,walletFileLastModified 1333833671000 ,walletInfoFileSize 395 ,walletInfoFileLastModified 1333833671000
MB:Message : Opening wallet "/users/jim/test/test2.wallet"... done.
22:31:37.116 [main] DEBUG o.m.v.c.MultiBitCommandLine - Loading wallet from '/users/jim/test/test3.wallet'
MB:Message : Opening wallet "/users/jim/test/test3.wallet"...
22:31:37.121 [main] DEBUG org.multibit.file.FileHandler - rememberFileSizesAndLastModified: Wallet filename /users/jim/test/test3.wallet , walletFileSize 3082 ,walletFileLastModified 1333833719000 ,walletInfoFileSize 87 ,walletInfoFileLastModified 1333833719000
MB:Message : Opening wallet "/users/jim/test/test3.wallet"... done.
22:31:37.127 [main] DEBUG o.m.v.c.MultiBitCommandLine - Downloading blockchain
MB:Error : No view to display with id 1
MultiBitTool#processLine args = --action=HELP
22:31:37.128 [SwingWorker-pool-1-thread-7] DEBUG - Downloading blockchain
MultiBitShell: print and manipulate the MultiBit object model
Usage (Implemented):
HELP Show this help text.
EXIT Exit this MultiBitShell session.
CREATE --wallet --filename=<> Makes a new wallet in the file specified.
(Not Implemented Yet):
CREATE --sendingAddress --address=<> --label=<> Makes a new sending address with the given address and label.
--receivingAddress --label=<> Makes a new receiving address with the given label.
EDIT --preferences Edit the MultiBit preferences.
--sendingAddress --address=<> --label=<> Edit the sending address matching the given address or label.
--receivingAddress --address=<> --label=<> Edit the receiving address matching the given address or label.
LIST --wallets Lists all open wallets in a format suitable for picking.
--sendingAddresses Lists all sending addresses in a format suitable for picking.
--receivingAddresses Lists all receiving addresses in a format suitable for picking.
--transactions Lists all transactions for the active wallet for picking.
PICK --number=<> or --value=<> Pick from the last list either by list number or match by value.
DELETE --wallet --filename=<> Delete the wallet with the file specified.
--sendingAddress --address=<> --label=<> Delete the sending address with the given address or label.
--receivingAddress --address --label=<> Delete the receiving address with the given address or label.
SEND --address=<> --amount=<> Send the specified amount of BTC to the address specified.
RESET --date=<> Remove all transactions on or after the date, or all if no date specified.
REPLAY --date=<> Replay the blockchain from the date specified.
IMPORT_KEYS --filename=<> --password=<> Import private keys from the filename specified, using the password.
EXPORT_KEYS --filename=<> --password=<> Export private keys from the filename specified, using the password.
WAIT_FOR --online or --replayComplete Wait for MultiBit to come online or for the blockchain replay to complete.
SHOW --activeWallet Show which wallet is the active wallet.
--online Show whether MultiBit is onine or not.
--helpAbout Show the help about MultiBit details.
--ticker Show the most recent ticker details.
--messages=Show the most recent of messages.
--transaction Show the details of the last picked transaction.
MB:Message : Synchronised with network.
MB:Message : Synchronised with network.. 100.0% complete.
MB:Message : Synchronised with network.
MB:Message : Synchronised with network.. 100.0% complete.
MB:Message : MultiBit is now online
MB > CREATE --wallet --filename=/users/jim/test/test4.wallet
MultiBitTool#processLine args = --action=CREATE --wallet --filename=/users/jim/test/test4.wallet
22:32:07.727 [Thread-2] DEBUG org.multibit.model.WalletInfo - Could not load walletinfo file '/users/jim/test/'
22:32:07.728 [Thread-2] DEBUG org.multibit.model.WalletInfo - Cause : /users/jim/test/ (No such file or directory)
22:32:07.733 [Thread-2] DEBUG org.multibit.file.FileHandler - Result of check of whether files have changed for wallet filename /users/jim/test/test4.wallet was true.
22:32:07.741 [Thread-2] DEBUG org.multibit.file.FileHandler - rememberFileSizesAndLastModified: Wallet filename /users/jim/test/test4.wallet , walletFileSize 3082 ,walletFileLastModified 1333834327000 ,walletInfoFileSize 87 ,walletInfoFileLastModified 1333834327000
22:32:07.745 [Thread-2] DEBUG org.multibit.file.FileHandler - rememberFileSizesAndLastModified: Wallet filename /users/jim/test/test4.wallet , walletFileSize 3082 ,walletFileLastModified 1333834327000 ,walletInfoFileSize 87 ,walletInfoFileLastModified 1333834327000
22:32:07.746 [Thread-2] DEBUG org.multibit.file.FileHandler - When writing wallets, there were 7
22:32:07.749 [Thread-2] DEBUG o.m.v.s.action.CreateNewWalletAction - User preferences with new wallet written successfully
MultiBitTool#processLine args = --action=EXIT
MultiBitTool#processLine - exit called.
host47:Java jim$