I recommend you install electrum version 2.6.4 because the newer electrum 2.7.x versions are buggy.
Yes, I'm using Electrum version 2.6.4 .
You only need to import addresses(corresponding private keys) with positive balances.
Okay. Got that. I managed to import the first few keys successfully. I have fewer than 30 transactions.
But it seems Electrum won't allow me to create a new non-watching-only wallet by importing addresses/private keys.
I initially opted for a watching-only wallet because a) it prompted me, and b) it seemed like a sensible thing to do while using the software for the first time. Now when I create a new wallet (because watching-only means you can't access your funds), it no longer prompts me to choose watching-only or non-watching-only. It defaults to watching-only. Which is not what I want. I want a real usable wallet with access to all my funds.
The only other way to create a wallet, it seems, is to select 'Create a new wallet' instead of 'Restore a wallet or import keys'.
Am I correct in saying that for the purposes of migrating from a buggy multibithd to electrum264 I should be doing a 'restore' and not a 'create'?
Try the instructions below if you are using windows. Even if you already installed the normal electrum wallet you can still install the portable one. All the portable version's wallet files install into the same folder as electrum-2.6.4-portable.exe, so the portable version doesn't interfere with the regular version.
Download electrum 2.6.4 portable from here (because the latest 2.7 versions are buggy).
https://download.electrum.org/2.6.4/electrum-2.6.4-portable.exeCreate a new folder and copy electrum-2.6.4-portable.exe into it, then double click it to start the wallet.
An install wizard window should open. At the top of it select the "Restore a wallet or import keys" option, then click the "next" button.
Another window will open with a box in it that you can type your list of private keys into.
After that click the "next" button and another series of windows should open. Leave each window's settings as they are and click the "next" button in each one until the wallet opens.
You can leave the password boxes blank, the electrum wallet can work without a password, and its password is not the same as your multibit wallet's password.
When the wallet opens it should sync within minutes and show your Bitcoins. You can use it to send them wherever you like.