If you already have am4 boards, psu, ram then it's not much of an issue but I think we both know what the majority of motherboards used for gpu mining were. They were those crap little 1150 with g1580s in them and ddr3 ram.I doubt many bought am4 to throw an Apu or a pricey CPU in while never thinking of CPU mining.
i feel lucky to have
three 3900x
one threadripper all running
and three more boards ready to upgrade .
no psu cost
no ram cost
only one mobo purchased.
i will have seven running for under 2000. roi will be 150-200 days.
pretty quiet and will warm the basement for winter.
ROI 150 - 200 days? No way, never, noooo. Which calculator you are using?
I'm not sure what the thread ripper makes but currently a 3900x (without electricity being taken into consideration) is making around $36-40 a month let's say 7 months is 200 days (it isn't) he's at $840 revenue for the three and then the thread ripper will be probably making this closer to $1000, so maybe a 400 day roi for $2,000 but remember he's already gotten tons of use out of these boards and CPU as gpu mining host and they will carry use and value for years.
they are quiet and reduce my heating bill from 240 to 100 a month. so 140 x 4 = 560 extra..
The boards are not free they are paid off and I have a hand full of cards that are paid off they add to the profit.
Yeah 150 200 is too good it is more like 350 days.
My power bill for this gear is low enough that I can hold all the coin I make . Since it is all nicehash It is btc and simply sits in place.
Yesterday I grabbed a ryzen 7 3700x for 97 bucks. I had a credit on amazon.
People have to realize as long as xmr/monero changes al-gore-rhythms every six months chasing with other hash is a fail.
Down the road I can consider getting this
https://www.newegg.com/p/N82E16813157902?Item=N82E16813157902&Description=trx40&cm_re=trx40-_-13-157-902-_-Productand this
https://www.newegg.com/amd-ryzen-threadripper-3960x/p/N82E16819113619?Description=threadripper%203960x&cm_re=threadripper_3960x-_-19-113-619-_-ProductI have all the other parts. so the 1499 + 459 = 1958 is all I would spend.
Based on past history the threadripper 3960x will be under 1000 by summer.
the 1920x is now 200-279 it came out over 500
the 1950x is now 500-700 it came out over 1000
the 2950x is now 679 at newegg
https://www.newegg.com/amd-ryzen-threadripper-2950x/p/N82E16819113542?Description=threadripper%202950x&cm_re=threadripper_2950x-_-19-113-542-_-Productthe 2970x is 1250 at newegg
https://www.newegg.com/amd-ryzen-threadripper-2970wx/p/N82E16819113546?Description=threadripper%202970x&cm_re=threadripper_2970x-_-19-113-546-_-Productit dropped from over 2000