Firstly, I look for odds between 2 - 5 odds.
Secondly, I stake with #500 - #1000.
I do this because it's more easier for me to get odds between 2 - 5 then trying to get a bigger old to stake with low amount.
I think its even more helpful to concentrate more on the odds than the amount to use in staking, we need to apply wisdom from the strategy we will be using in placing bets especially when we are dealing with sport bets, this is how it has always appears that we sometimes see the odds being a deception on what we initially intend to play and the strategy to be used by us, which some have seen also as trick on it own.
Both go hand in hand when deciding a betting strategy. Is in a way like cooking you know, you can put it a high temperature of low temperature, but it will not work unless you also use the timer to decide how long. This is the same, you would not place the bets that are more risky regardless of the estimated upside versus downside independently of the mehtod used.
That's correct my friend because odds don't upset us when we lose, but it's the amount of money we are putting. That's why there's a saying, "Bet only what you can afford to lose," because it's very important to understand how to minimize the risk in gambling. Odds are set by experts and reflect the probability of winning. You can go with high odds or low odds, but what matters is winning most of the time so you'll end up profitable. However, if you are not disciplined with your bankroll management, even if you win 8 out of 10 bets, you can still end up wiping your bankroll if you get aggressive and go all-in after a loss.