If anarchy was some kind of fundamentalist individualist philosophy then we'd be opposed to voluntary socialism and even team sports, clubs, etc.
Fallacy! Voluntarism implies "do if you want". If you don't... well... too bad.
I've got no problem with voluntary things like that. In fact, I don't even demand that you embrace capitalism. Anarchy is the only ideology that can accommodate capitalism, socialism, communism, syndicalism, etc, all at once. If you want to go live in a hippie commune, have at it.
At the very same time allows none... What you say is that within the erratic anarchist society some groups will organize according to Capitalism, others according to Socialism, other according to something else... And yes, there will be groups, humans ARE NOT lone wolves, we're a sort of monkey and act according to our nature! At some point thus the interests of those groups will collide and they will enter at war. Hey! Go figure! Your vision of anarchy is what the world is already if you wide a bit your sight to the global spectrum.
I'm against aggression, not collectivism.
Again, that's YOU... but YOU in Anarchy are just one member, not a fair representative of anything, due to the kind of (lack of) rule, but yourown.
You're welcome to think of yourself as some kind of worker bee or ant. I won't be joining you though.
Deny reality doesn't change it. Sorry...
Either you accept my wishes peacefully or you're going to use coercion to bend me to your will. That's all it comes down to, peace or war. It's your choice.
For what concerns me and as long as you don't cross my space be at will to do whatever you want. However, in this World of Anarchy, I can't say my vision resembles everyone's vision.