Technology has made life somehow easy for us today.In the days of our father,they had no idea about working online,all their work to make money were done physically,and with strength,either they engaged in mini or mega business that will provide money for them.We thank God for bitcoin,that came as a messiah,to enrich the hopeful.Now my father asks me about my shop,and where it's located,I told him I'm bitcointalking,and he doesn't know what I'm talking.What do yours tell you?
This sound funny, hope you do have some bitcoin available for your dad, it will make lots of sense if you make some reservation of sats in his name, I believe he will not only like it, he will use it as a topic of discussion when sitting around with his friends about the new tech his son is always talking about, that's one of the ways adoption is spread without you realizing it yourself.
It's really crazy how internet has transformed life's over the decades and how people have fund of making money online instead of the conventional physical way in those days that you need to work your ass out but today, things are clearly different in another dimension. Imaginine today, you can trade bitcoin, buy low and sell high daily, weekly and long time frame for the people who prefer to hold, talk about internet magic money, this is what bitcoin brings to the table for everyone with internet.